Do You Even Love Me? - Jouis

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Pairing; Louis Tomlinson x Justin Bieber

Prompt; Justin finds out Louis has been cheating on him with Louis' neighbour, Harry. Justin doesnt know what to do, when he's absolutely in love with Louis. But he knows he needs to get Louis back for it.

Ages; Justin - 18, Louis - 20


Do you ever think of me when you lie, lie down in your bed, your bed of lies? And I knew better to look in your eyes, they only pretend, that you will be mine.

Justin's POV

I used the key under the pot beside the front door to enter my boyfriend's house. Today was date night, and I wanted to surprise him with tickets to a Chris Brown concert tonight.

I couldnt contain my excited smile as I snuck upstairs,  knowing he should be asleep, since his he didnt answer his phone earlier.

It was 7am, so he probably still was asleep.

I made my way to the bedroom door, stepping into the room since the door was wide open.

"Lou-" I began, but stopped myself as my eyes widened in shock at the view in front of me.

"Mm, ohh, harder..." Harry, Louis' next door neighbour was bouncing on top of Louis, his head back as he moaned out.

I felt sick to my stomach, dropping the concert tickets.

"Louis?" I choked out, my heart was shattering at the scene.

Louis looked over and gasped, "Justin?!" He pushed Harry off of him, "Baby it's not what it looks like!" He panted,  as Harry clambered to grab his clothes, as he rushed out of the room, passed me.

"Not what it looks like?" I swallowed hard,  "It looks awfully like you were fucking Harry."

Louis climbed off the bed, wrapped in the sheet, "I.. I'm so sorry, I love you, it was a moment of weakness, baby.." his eyes looked horrified.

I kept in the tears that wanted spill, "I thought you loved me, but you were cheating on me."

"I do love you, god, I love you so much. Please, please dont leave me? I'll make it up to you, I promise baby, please?"

"It's date night." My voice cracked, and his face looked as though he was about to burst in humiliation. But I was the one humiliated.

"I'm so sorry-"

"I'm going to date night," I rubbed my eyes, trying to stop myself from actually sobbing out.

"O-Okay... I will get ready-" Louis began.

"No, dont." I spat bitterly, "I'm going on a date with someone else, you can stay home and fuck the whore." I swallowed.

"Justin, please.." Louis begged, "I dont want to break up, baby please."

"Who said we're breaking up?" I mumbled,  my heart ached, "I just think... I should spend tonight with someone who deserves it more than you." I huffed, "I'm doubting you deserve a reward for what you've done."

I leant down and yanked my concert tickets back up,

"scratch that, I'm spending tonight alone." I tore one ticket up, throwing it at him carelessly.

Louis frowned, "Baby, I'm so bloody sorry."

I just shook my head, turning on my heels and storming out, ignoring Louis' calls.


I was now at the concert, by myself.

I was in line for the meet and greets, since I'd paid for the whole experience.

I was dressed in tight skinny jeans, and a shirt that hugged my chest loosely.

I think I looked good, so I was happy about that.

As soon as it was my turn to meet the one and only, Chris Brown.

My nerves had grown - I wasnt going to let what had happened earlier to effect my excitement of meeting my idol.

One of the body guards pointed for me to go in, and I was the last one in line.

I bit my bottom lip and stepped into the small curtain offed room, my blush pasting itself on my cheek as I spotted Chris Brown standing there, a smile on his lips as he held out his hand to shake mine.

I shook his hand, smiling at him, "I'm a huge fan." I stated.

He looked me up and down, "Mm, I bet." He sent me a wink.

I felt my cheeks flush, feeling him pull me beside him for a picture. His hand travelled down further than appropriate.

I could feel his hand on my ass, is what I mean. I was blushing so bad in the picture that was taken.

"You here alone?" Chris whispered, and I found myself nodding.

"Well, I can't have that, why dont you watch the show from back stage, hmm?" He sent me a wink.

I knew Chris Brown had recently come out as bisexual, but I couldn't believe he was flirting with me. Of all people.

This could be the perfect revenge.


The concert was amazing, I was practically screaming all of his songs. And by the time he'd officially ended the concert, I was still excited.

Chris came off stage and I swear he was eye raping me, "So, I never caught your name?"

"Justin." I smiled, "Thank you so much for letting me stand backstage, you're a talented singer. I legit, worship you." I blurted with a smile.

Chris smiled at me, "You should see what else I'm talented in." He winked, "Want to come into my dressing room?" He asked, and I nodded eagerly.


I dont even know how it happened, one moment Chris Brown is telling me about how much music means to him, the next he's kissing me, and now? Well I was laying back on a leather couch in the room, under the celebrity.

As much as I was turned on, I couldnt help but feel as though it was completely wrong.

I'm meant to be with Louis... not Chris.

As my mind was preoccupied with those thoughts, I barely noticed my phone had been ringing.

Chris pulled back from his assault on my neck, "You need to answer that?" He asked, curiously.

I pulled my phone from my pocket, staring at the caller ID Louis.

"Its my boyfriend." I mumbled.

"Oh?" Chris rose a brow.

"He cheated on me this morning..." I found myself telling him.

Chris furrowed his brows, "Serious?"

"Yeah, I found him in bed with the neighbour." I mumbled bitterly.

"Hey," Chris smirked, "Answer the phone." He grinned.

I looked at him curiously, but did as told, "Hello?" I answered.

Chris was instantly sucking my sweet spot on my neck, causing me to let out a gasp and moan.

"Justin?" Louis sounded confused, "Baby, are you okay?"

"Mm, ohh.. 'm fine." I moaned, "Oh fuck, god, right there." I gasped as Chris nibbled on my skin, grinding down on me a bit.

"Wha-What's going on?" Louis asked, purely confused - possibly even mortified, "Baby you know I'm sorry. I love you."

"Oh.  Mm, you're sorry? P-Prove it." I moaned as Chris grinded against me

"I will." Louis said firmly, "I bloody will."

Author's Note; 4+ votes and 2+ comments for part two cx

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