(MPreg)Young And Innocent - Zustin

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Prompt; Justin is fourteen, naïve and gullible. Zayn's eighteen, reckless and controlling. Zayn gets drunk one night, and Justin falls victim to his command. Justin goes MIA for a year, but when he comes back he's not alone.

Pairings; Justin Bieber × Zayn Malik + Narry~Lilo~Jason × Dylan

Ages; Justin 14-15, Zayn 18-19, (Liam, Harry 19-20 × Louis, Jason 18-19 × Dylan 17-18)


Zayn's POV

I groaned, yanking the bottle of Jack Daniels from my friend Liam, and cracking the lid open.

"That's enough, Zayn." Liam sneered, fed up with my sour attitude and dangerous actions, "You are going to be so sick in the morning... Plus everyone is trying to have a good time and you're ruining it."

I glared at my best friend, taking a mouthful of the burning liquid, before standing up, "I'll l-leave then so you can enjer- enjoy your night." I slurred, dropping the bottle as I stumbled towards the door.

"Zayn, dont go." Louis called, but I ignored him, as well as the other boys as I left our crumby flat.

It was new years eve, but I couldnt care less as I struggled to walk down the street.

I was disgusted by all the boys making out on the couch - so I decided to drink. I wasn't disgusted about the kissing between boys and such, more so the fact that I had no one to snog and there they were eating each other's faces.

So what if I was ruining their evening by drinking and cursting? They were ruining mine.

I needed a shag, honestly. I was desperate.

A lot of people were out tonight, partying on the streets and sending off fireworks - I suppose I was lucky enough to live in a town where there were a lot of young, decent people around.

I had to be the pitt of the lot though, I was a bossy, inconsiderate moron who didnt take no for an answer. It was my way or the highway.

Maybe that's why I don't last in relationships?

Many of my ex girlfriends and boyfriends hated how controlling I was; I didn't like them doing certain things, and I didn't like them talking to other people I didnt trust.

I'm surprised I can keep friends, really.

"Justin, don't go too far!" A woman's voice called out suddenly, and I watched as a boy, who I'm sure most people in town knew of as one of those goody-two-shoes kind of kid, waved at his mum I think.

"I won't, I am only going to see if I can get all the party popper strings before all my friends do." Justin grinned, giggling a bit before he skipped on his merry little way.

I rolled my eyes at his innocence and sauntered towards the local park so I could cool off - even though its absolutely freezing out here.

After sitting myself on a swing and rocking back and forth for a while, I heard someone sit on the swing beside mine.

"Hello." They spoke, causing me to stare at them and try not to grunt when I realize it's that Justin kid, "The countdown is starting in twenty minutes." He told me.

"And?" I snorted, standing up.

"I thought you might want to know." Justin blushed, biting his bottom lip, "You're friends with Dylan, right?" Justin asked.

"I suppose so, why? Got a crush on him?" I said, pulling out my cigarettes and taking one to smoke.

"No, he's my big brother's boyfriend." Justin giggled, as if I'd said something ever so hilarious.

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