Just A Thought - Jiam

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Prompt; Justin had been feeling down, Liam didn't understand why, but he was determined to find out and fix it.

Requested By; A mixed amount of Wattpad Users...

Age; Liam-20, Justin-18


Liam's POV

It was quiet, too quiet, I thought as he entered my apartment. Justin's shoes were beside the door, his jacket lazily draped over the arm of the couch.

Normally the place would be filled with the sound of the game system, and Justin and his friends would be all over the couches, mucking around and sometimes a string of curse words would slip up from him.

But, these past few days - maybe over a week now - Justin hadn't had his friends over, he hadn't said much, nor had he left the room when he was home.

I was concerned, curious as to why he was all of a sudden like this. No longer bouncy and happy.

"Justin?" I called, placing my bag on the coffee table as I began searching for him.

No answer came as I made my way into the bedroom. The sound of the shower sounded once I glanced around the room.

I sighed softly, walking to the bathroom door connected to the room, "Justin, you in there?" I called, opening the door.

The shower curtain was shut as steam exited the top and surrounded the room.

"Justin?" I repeated louder.

"What?" Justin finally answered, his voice filled with annoyance.

" I was calling you," I stated, "I didn't know if you were okay."

"Yeah." Justin mumbled.

"Can we talk?" I sighed.


"Because we need to..."


"When we have dinner, that's when we'll be talking. I'm not waiting too long, I can't watch this crap anymore." I muttered, walking out of the bathroom, bedroom too, and headed to the kitchen to start on dinner.


Justin flicked his food around his plate, his eyes staring at the meatball rolling over the spaghetti.

After I ate a mouthful from my plate, I sipped on the wine I decided to open for tonight -  hoping the alcohol calms the both of us enough to have a good talk about what's going on.

Justin sighed softly, taking a sip from his own drink, before looking at me.

"I made your favorite, and you haven't even taken a bite."  I stated with a frown.

Justin shrugged, "Not hungry."

"Really? You haven't eaten much in the passed few days, I mean, I don't think I even saw you eat last night." I sighed, placing my fork down.

"I ate."


"Some chips."

I frowned and stood up from my seat, walking around the table to Justin's side.

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