Kiss Me Under The Light Of A Thousand Stars - Jylan

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Prompt; Dylan didnt like Justin, Justin had a massive crush on Dylan. Dylan thought Justin was an imature brat, Justin thought the absolute world of Dylan. Dylan's dared to break Justin's heart, Justin is head over heels in love.

Pairing; Dylan Sprouse x Justin Bieber

Ages; Dylan 19, Justin 16


Justin's POV

I stood in front of the classroom, sharpening my pencil as my eyes drifted outside the door towards the hallway.

School had ended, and I was just finishing writing down a few sentences before I headed over to my friends end of year party.

I was a bit excited, seeing as a lot of the guys and girls I knew would be there to have fun - some probably are going to get drunk, but I didnt care.

I was mainly thrilled over the fact Dylan would be there.

Dylan is who I have the biggest crush on, without a doubt.

He's openly gay, and I had only just come out a month ago. I've known I was gay since fourteen, but I have never had a boyfriend or any experience with a boy at all, yet.

My Dad was a bit annoyed and upset when I came out, and questioned every friend that I ever brought over - but they were just friends. I hopefully assured him of that too.

Once I placed my pencil back in my bag after finishing my assignment, I put the paper on the desk and rushed out, excited about the party.

Although Dylan was almost four years older than myself, he was so freaking perfect for me... he had a cool car, played sports, was funny, and he had a really nice personality - as cheesey as that sounded - I really loved his personality.

It was happy, open, his laugh was contagious, and he took no shit from anyone. I looked up to that.

A smile found itself on my lips as I texted my friend to let him know I was on my way.

Dylan's POV

"You ready?" Cole, my twin brother asked. I turned and gave him a nod and sly grin.

"I'm always on time. You normally have to spend an extra three hours brushing your lucious long hair." I winked.

"Oh Dylan, just because I care about hygiene,  taking care of all the extra's - unlike your Body Odor containing self - does not mean I take that long." Cole rolled his eyes, but smiled, "Now, let's go - because there are ladies thriving for my arrival."

I snorted, "Sure."

"Enough with the sarcasm, I bet there are a few men waiting to pounce on you like a hungry tiger." Cole wiggled his brows, which caused me to grin, "Including Justin." He laughed.

I cringed, "Ew." I highly disliked that kid, "I cant wait to throw up now." I muttered.

"Come on, its cute how he's got a big crush on you. It's sweet.... like when a todler sees a lollipop and begs his mummy to buy it for him." Cole snickered.

I groaned, "Please shut up."

"Alright, alright, lets go." Cole chuckled, pulling me ouy with him.

I dont understand why Justin has this massive thing for me - he was bloody annoying and immature. For starters, he laughs at anything anyone says, he follows people around like a lost puppy, and succumbs to peer pressure so very easily.

If someone dare's him to run across a highway - he'll bloody well do it... he's done it six times, I kid you not.

I try to ignore his presence,  because I cant stand him - as mean as that sounds.

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