Good Morning - Jarry

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Prompt; Jarry, Harry×Justin - OMG CUTE FLUFFY JARRY. Harry is more dominant due to his height and age. just cute, Jarry fluff,of playful, lovely adorable Jarry.

Requested By; @Romanticregrets

Ages; Harry; 19 - Justin 18


Justin's POV

"Wake up sunshine, the day is glowing, and moon has gone to party with Mars." A deep, yet delightfully annoying voice rang in my ears.

I groaned, "No." rolling over and burying myself underneath the sheets of blankets that laid on my boyfriends bed.

I'd spent the previous night at his flat, watching movies, cuddling, some extra naughty stuff during the night, and the one thing I wanted this morning was to sleep in.

But knowing Harry, that wasn't going to happen at all.

I felt my body being pulled until I was on my back, and a larger body was placed above my own.

I whined, opening my eyes to see Harry straddling my lap.

"Get off." I huffed.

"Nope, not until you're willing to get off your ass and come have breakfast." Harry grinned.

"Its too early, its, -" I glanced at the digital clock beside his bed, "10am, and far too early for a Sunday morning."

Harry rolled his eyes, "You have three seconds to get up, before you'll have to deal with the more demanding version of myself."

"Can't get up with your fat arse on me." I mumbled.

Harry got off my lap, "Okay, now get up, 1...." he began counting.

I shook my head, closing my eyes, "No, go away." I yawned.

"2..." Harry continued.

"Not listening." I said, refusing to get up.

"3!" Harry grabbed my ankles, causing me to squeal, instinctively grabbing the headboard of the bed as Harry began pulling.

"No!" I yelled as he pulled.

"Get up, Justin! I'm having you come out for breakfast one way or another!" Harry shouted.

"Let go!" I whined, holding on as much as I could, although my fingers were slipping.

"I gave you three seconds, too late." Harry pulled me harder, causing my fingers to slip, and Harry to be able to pull me down the bed.

He grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder, ignoring my protests, and attempts to get free by wriggling around.

He headed out to the lounge room, setting me on the couch, before pinning me and grinning.

" Look who won, again." Harry smirked.

I frowned, "It doesn't count, you always attack when I'm tired."

"Justin Drew Bieber, I warned you, did I not?" Harry smiled, leaning down and kissing my nose.

"What kind of warning is that?" I pouted.

"The same one I've been using since you first slept over, now time for breaky, love." Harry chuckled, kissing my pout and standing up.

"I don't see why you wouldn't let me sleep, most couples enjoy watching their other half resting." I pointed out, wanting to go back into bed and just sleep til tomorrow.

"Well most couples must be creepy, and not have Uni the next morning. You do realize tomorrow is a Monday, which means I've go Uni and work, and you've got the last week of high-school." Harry said, wondering off into the kitchen.

I sunk down, a frown sporting my lips as my thoughts roamed around the fact that we wouldn't be spending the night together, and our week ahead won't be spent kissing after we've done our school and coursework.

I'll be busy preparing for the end of school, and seeing if I've got accepted into any universities, while Harry will be doing his courses, and starting his new job at the bakery his mother's friend just opened up.

There will barely be any us time during this week, and although its not that long, it still upset me that we wouldn't be seeing much of each other until the next weekend arrives.

I felt my body being pulled onto sometimes lap, so I turned to see Harry sitting beside me.

"You're not too bummed about the week, right?" He smiled, drawing circles into my hips.

I gave him a look that said 'obviously you twat'.

He kissed my temple and smiled, "One week, that's all, then your finished school, we both get to share shifts at the bakery, and you'll be staying over not only on weekends, but weekdays too."

I pouted, "But a week in school is a year in Hell."

Harry chuckled, moving me to straddle his lap while he leant over and grabbed a late of bacon and eggs.

He grabbed the fork and placed bacon on it, before moving it to my lips to take a bite.

"You're too cute in the morning, babe." Harry smiled as I chewed on the food.

I shrugged, "Suppose I am, but now our day is limited."

Harry smiled, feeding me another forkful, "Which means, I want the day to wrap my arms around you, feed you, cuddle you, kiss you, do whatever it is I can to spend it close to you."

I blushed at his words, swallowing the food, "Well that sounds like a good plan."

Harry placed the rest of the plate of food on the coffee table, moving so I was laying on the couch and he was hovered above me, "Good, now we'll start with the kissing." He grinned, leaning down and peppering my face in kisses. I squealed lightly, trying to push him away as I laughed.

"Harry!" I chuckled.

His fingers wiggled into my side, and that was enough for me to burst into giggles, squirming in attempt to escape his arms.

He had me practically pinned beneath his body, and I had no escape.

"Harry!" I squealed out my laughter.

"Tell me you love me." Harry chuckled, refusing to let me go without something from me.

I laughed, "No!"

"Not the answer I wanted." Harry grinned as his fingers wiggled into all the sensitive ticklish spots of my body.

"Ah! haha! You ass!" I laughed loudly, tears fell from the corner of my eyes.

"Not what I wanted to hear again." Harry chuckled.

"Okay! Okay! I love you!" I giggled.

"Say it again, I didn't quite hear that." Harry smirked.

"I love you!" I shouted through my laughter.

Harry grinned and stopped tickling me, his eyes looking down on me, "I love you too, baby."

He leant down, giving me a soft kiss as I calmed myself. His fingers cupping my cheek as he left the kiss sweet and simple.

He pulled me into his arms, his eyes never leaving mine.

and that's how we spent most of the day, wrapped up together, and just doing it the way we do.

Author's Note; Not as good as I was hoping sorry, I was rushing it a bit but hope you enjoyed some of it :)

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