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—chapter one—
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MALIA'S HEAD WAS POUNDING, it almost outweighed the pain in her knuckles that had now scabbed over, though blood still stained the surrounding area.

She had passed out on her bed after biking out of the woods last night. She still wasn't sure if what she saw was real or not. Wolves weren't that big.

She hadn't even changed out of her clothes, and her shoes were still on. She pushed herself off the bed, grabbing her cracked phone to check the time.

She let out a sigh when she realized it was 11:30. She slipped off her raggedy vans and changed out of her clothes.

Replacing them with baggy jeans, a brown shirt and her favorite brown jacket. She slipped her beat up vans back on before going to the mirror to fix her hair.

She took her long thick hair out of the messy braids they were in before re-braiding it.

Once she was finished with that she went to their kitchen. Bags of groceries had been placed on top of the counter with a note attached.

She didn't bother reading it, she knew it was from the Elders. Her principal must have called and informed them of what had happened.

She rolled her eyes in irritation. She hated when people did that. If it was up to her she would've dropped the groceries off at their doorsteps, but she had Jared to think of. Despite the two of them working several jobs, it almost wasn't enough.

Malia began to dig through the bags, trying to find something to snack on. She pulled out a bag of goldfish and tore it open, shoving a handful into her mouth.

She recoiled her hand when she touched her face. Staring at it for a second before putting a hand back in her cheek, feeling the temperature. Her face was scolding hot.

Malia groaned, she hated getting sick. Throughout her entire seventeen years of life, she could count the times she had gotten sick on one hand. It wasn't something that happened often, but when it did happen, it was awful.

Once she was done with the goldfish she threw the bag in the trash. Before leaving the house she made sure to grab a lighter and check her pockets to make sure the joints were still there.

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