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—chapter four—
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MALIA GROANED as she rubbed her eyes. She blinked rapidly to try and adjust her eyes to the light bleeding through the open blinds.

She heard knocking on the door as she said up in the bed. "Yeah?"

Sam opened the door, stepping halfway through the doorway. "Get dressed. I need to talk to you."

Malia groaned as he shut the door. She was definitely about to get bitched at for sneaking out. She rubbed her head before getting up. Changing into cut off shorts and sleeveless grey shirt.

She left the room, meeting Sam in the kitchen. He set a plate in front of her as she sat down at the table. "I didn't know if you liked eggs, but I can't cook much else."

He turned off the stove before sitting down across from her. She looked up at him, taking a bite of food, "what'd you want to talk to me about?"

Sam sighed. "Billy called me this morning. He wanted to talk about that boy you punched in the face last night."

Malia scoffed, "look, he pushed me first. I even gave him a warning—"

Sam cut her off. "It's not that. His mother is pressing charges."

Malia's eyes widened. "What?"

"When you punched him, you broke his jaw." Sam explained. "Now, the police chief is a good friend of Billy's so he gave him a heads up to let him know."

"He talked to him for a little, and they ended up working something out."

Malia scrunched her brows. "What?"

"The mother is willing to not press charges if you do some community service hours," Sam hesitated for a second before continuing. "And attend therapy sessions as well as go on medication for your I.E.D."

Malia tensed up, she couldn't go on medication. She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "That's bullshit!"

"Well you should've thought about that before you snuck out last night!" Sam said, raising his voice slightly before realizing he did. He spoke again, softer this time. "You could have really hurt someone Malia. That boy could've been dead if I hadn't been there to stop you from shifting."

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