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—chapter three—
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IT HAD ONLY BEEN THREE DAYS and Malia was really fucking irritated. Her whole body ached, and it was really difficult not to shift every time Sam pushed her a little too hard.

"Have you ever thought about getting medication?" Sam asked. "I mean, I don't really know much about I.E.D, but they have medication for it, right?"

Malia sighed, brushing the dirt off her jeans. "Yeah, I don't know you well enough to talk about this."

"Sorry," Sam said. "I'm still very new to this. I mean, the only reason I'm alpha is because I shifted first. Once Jacob Black phases, I have to offer it to him."

Malia scrunched her brows. "Why?"

"His great grandfather, Ephiram Black, was the last alpha, so it'll pass to him." He explained. "You should stay beta since you shifted second, but it's up to him."


"Right, I forgot to tell you about that." He said. "Since you were the second person to phase, the title of beta falls to you, you're basically second in command."

Malia raised her brows. "Oh great."

Sam laughed. "Well, you don't exactly have to worry about it right now. Since there's only two of us."

"Yeah, some pack we are."

Sam grinned. "You know, we're thinking Jared might be the one to shift next. So you don't have to keep this a secret from him for long."


Sam nodded. "When I told the Elders that I thought you might be the one to shift next, they told me that wasn't possible, that there were no female shifters and that we should be keeping an eye on Jared."

"Now come on, I'm getting hungry."


IT WAS AROUND MIDNIGHT when Malia decided to sneak out of Sam's house. Ramiro had texted her about a party happening down by First Beach, which she wasn't interested in at first. But then he texted her about free booze, and between all the shit that had happened the last few days, she could really use a drink.

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