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MALIA THOUGHT THIS WAS FUCKING STUPID. She rolled her eyes as she listened to the principal drone on and on about the schools 'no violence' policy, as if she hadn't heard it a million times. In her defense, the girl deserved it.

If she didn't want to get her shit rocked, than she shouldn't have made a snide, homophobic comment about Malia. That was her first mistake. Her second mistake, was saying it loud enough for her to hear.

Thus, resulting in a broken nose, a dented locker, and a little bit of head trauma.

"I'm going to have to contact your mother about this."

Malia scoffed, "go for it. If she picks up let her know that we need some fucking groceries."

The principal sighed, looking at her with an expression Malia had seen one too many times. Pity. "Malia, I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, with your, condition—"

"You don't know shit about me." She sneered, "so don't act like you do."

She hated when people brought it up, as if she wasn't well aware that there was something wrong with her. "How many days am I suspended for?"

He looked at her, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arm. "Five days, as well as two days of in school suspension, starting today."

"Great." Malia stood up, grabbing her bag before walking out of the room, not bothering to stop despite the yells from the principal.

Of course she gets suspended, but the girl who called her a slur gets away with nothing. Well, almost nothing.

Unfortunately, the bell had just rang as she exited the office, so the hallway was clogged up with kids trying to make their way to the next class.

Malia already knew from the stares that word had gone around about the fight. One of the downsides to such a small school, everyone knows your damn business.


She turned around at the voice of her brother calling her name.

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