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—chapter six—
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TO SAY MALIA WAS DREADING school was a complete understatement. She thought about pretending to have an episode and shift to make it seem like she couldn't go back to school. But she decided against it, she knew she need to be there to look out for any potential shifters. Plus, she wanted to keep an eye on Jared, and she couldn't do that if she was hanging out at home.

Malia had decided to ride her bike to school instead of riding with Jared. She knew that she was probably going to go straight to Sam's after anyways so there was no point in trying to get him to drop her off and then pick her up.

She had chosen to wear some cut off jean shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Ever since shifting she couldn't wear jeans or a jacket without feeling like she was burning up. The only downside to wearing the sleeveless shirt, was that everyone could now see the tribal tattoo on her right shoulder.

So now, the stares intensified. Which, she already knew they would be bad since she had been gone for three weeks, not to mention her showing up at a party and breaking that dickheads jaw. Plus, she had shot up a few inches. Before, she had been around 5'9, now, she was at least 6'2.

That was probably her favorite thing about shifting, the height growth. She loved being tall, maybe because it factored into how intimidating it made her appear, but still.

As she walked to her first period class, she passed by her soccer coach. Malia groaned. She had forgot all about soccer. She knew she wouldn't be able to play this year. She had already gotten plenty of yellow cards (and a few red cards) last season, she knew there was no way she'd be able to play now that there was a possibility she could shift on the field.

Malia sat in her usual seat at the back of the room as she entered her class. She would just have to avoid her coach for as long as possible before having to explain that she couldn't play this year.

The class was now completely full as the bell rang. The teacher stood up to call roll. He looked up in surprise when Malia answered after he called out her name.

The boy in the seat beside her, which of course had to be Paul Lahote, turned to look at her. "So you didn't end up in jail."

Malia didn't bother looking over at him. "Watch your mouth, Lahote."

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