Male! Jessica Rabbit

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I groaned as my partner, Eddie, flirted with Dolores.
"Get a room." I rolled my eyes, they just laughed.
I wasn't in the mood for fun and games.
We were currently at the ink and paint club.

"Who's the sourpuss now?" Eddie joked.
I groaned and looked away.
"Are you alright?" He asked.

"You know how I've been kinda ignoring my boyfriend since Teddys death..?" I mumbled.
"Well... he works here apparently."
I had always assumed he moved on and found a new girlfriend, but I didn't want to risk it.

"What's so bad about that? You can see him again, you still love him." Eddie asked.
"Eddie, he will kill me." I said.
He sighed and took his hat off, placing it on my head.

"If he comes by, just cover your face with it."
I thanked him and took a swig of my drink.
It has already been a long day, seeing him would make it so much worse.

The lights dimmed and a familiar voice started singing.


I immediately pulled the hat to cover the top half of my face.
I could see everything but Jessie's head due to the angle.

I saw him going up to the horny women and stroking their chins while singing.
He seemed to have a spell over everyone here.
Since I was his girlfriend at one point, I wouldn't fall for his spell since I was used to it.

Jessie looked across the room and saw how everyone was under his trance, except Dolores and I. He strode over to our table, still singing.
He saw Dolores holding Eddie's hand and left her be. He didn't want to ruin someone's relationship, especially Eddie's.

Jessie put his finger under my chin and he was about to take my hat off.
I quickly grabbed his wrist and shoved it away, making sure he didn't have a chance to see my face.

He had an amused smirk on his face.
Almost every girl was envious of me at this moment.

I eventually had enough of him touching me and trying to make me fall, so I stood up and walked to the woman's restroom.

Jessie was beyond confused, this was the first time that someone didn't fall for him easily.
He continued his song and got back to his stage.
Once the song ended, he walked over to the woman's restroom.

He obviously didn't enter, but he stood by the door. I exited the bathroom without my hat and saw he was right there. I quickly moved my hand to cover my face.

"Are you alright?" He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm fine." I said, making my voice sound deeper.
"You seem... familiar..." he mumbled.

"Never met you before, so I dont know what you're talking about." I said, trying to make an excuse.
He didn't buy it for a second.

"Wait a minute, you were sitting with Eddie Valiant and Dolores... Y/n..?" He questioned.
"Nope, wrong person, just a friend of Eddie."

"A toon that's a friend with Eddie? He doesn't like any toons. Except Y/n. He made that very clear."
"I'm a friend of Y/n, so Eddie tolerated me." I said.

"Really? Could you possibly ask her why she stopped talking to me..?"

"I already know why."
"What was it?"
"Teddy's death. She wasn't doing well mentally or emotionally. So she pushed away everyone she loved."

"Could I speak with her?"
"Of course, I'll tell her to call you soon, that doesn't mean she will." He thanked me and walked behind me somewhere.

I took my hand off my face and sighed in relief.
"Thank god..." I mumbled, I turned around to leave and froze in my spot when I saw Jessie leaning against the wall, looking right at me.

"I'm not that stupid. You really just tried to avoid me, were you even going to call me?" He glared.
"This is exactly why I was avoiding you." I said, feeling like curling into a ball because of the confrontation.

He gave me an odd look.
"Do you even love me still?" He asked.
"I do, it's been killing me to stay separated from you, but I couldn't handle going back and being hated..." I mumbled.

He scoffed and grabbed my hand, practically dragging me backstage.
We arrived at a door that had his name on a Star. He shoved me into the room and entered, shutting it behind him.

"What the hel-" he cut me off with a kiss.
I immediately melted into it.
I was originally scared that he would kill me for ignoring him, but now I was unsure of his intentions.

We pulled away for air and I looked at him.
"Well... that was sudden..." I chuckled lightly.
"Yeah I'm uh... I'm sorry about that, I couldn't control myself." He awkwardly said.

I didn't even know what to say, I was just taking in the situation.

I hid from my boyfriend, ran away from my boyfriend, lied to my boyfriend, got caught by my boyfriend, and then he kissed me.

He held my hands gently and looked into my eyes.
"Y/n... can we make things go back the way they were..? When we still talked..?" He asked, his voice gentle and calming.

"I'd love to." I said with a smile, kissing his cheek.


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