Male! Mulan

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{Request by: Princewolfy2005}

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{Request by: Princewolfy2005}

My father sighed as he held my arm.
"We have gathered all the men we could, you must lead them." My father, the general, said.
"Her?! But she's a woman!" Chi-Fu scoffed.

"And my daughter, she's just as good a fighter as me." My father defended.
"This troop is in your hands." He said, getting up and leaving.

I exited my tent and saw all the men fighting.
"SOLDIERS!" I yelled.
They moved out of the way to show a young man in the fetal position.

"He started it!" They all said.
The young man looked up at me as I grabbed the collar of his shirt, yanking his face in front of mine.
"I don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp." I glared.

"Sorry..." he mumbled, playfully hitting me chest, earning a sharp glare from me.
"What's your name." I interrogated.
"Milan... Captain..." He quickly said.
"Let me see your conscription notice." I glared, taking it from him.

"Fa Zhou, you're the son of Fa Zhou?" I scoffed.
I began walking around the men.
"Okay gentlemen, thanks to your new friend Milan, you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice." I said, making all of the men fearful and upset.

"And tomorrow, the real work begins." I smirked.
I turned and walked away from the men, smirking as they angrily picked up the rice.

The next day

"Order. People, order!" Chi-Fu announced.
"I'd like a pan-friend noodle!"
"Sweet and pungent shrimp!"
"Moo goo gai pan!"
"That's not funny!" Chi-Fu yelled as he walked away, frustrated.

"Looks like our new friend slept in this morning." Ling smirked.
"Hello, Milan. Are ya hungry?" He asked with mock kindness.

"Yeah, 'cause I owe you a knuckle sandwich!" Yao yelled, grabbing Milan's shirt and pulling his arm back to punch.

"Soldiers!" I yelled, causing them all to get in line.
"You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning." I said, taking my shirt off, revealing a wrap around my breasts so that they weren't visible, abs, and muscles, Milan stared with wide eyes.

"Anyone who acts otherwise, will answer to me." I said, walking down the line of men.
"Ooh, tough girl." Yao mocked.

"Yao." I called out, shooting an arrow at the top of a tall stake.
"Thank you for volunteering. Retrieve the arrow." I glared.

"I'll get that arrow, pretty girl. And I'll do it with my shirt on." He remarked, about to chill the stake.

"One moment, you seem to be missing something." I smirked as I grabbed the two heavy weights. Chi-Fu was barely able to hold it, I picked them up with ease and walked towards Yao.

I tied one to his arm.
"This represents discipline." I said, dropping his arm as it raced to the floor because of the weight.
"And this represents strength." I said, tying the around around his other arm.

Male! Disney characters  x Reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now