Male! Jasmine

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This story is shorter and a bit rushed, but the next one will be better hopefully.
Speaking of which, I have a few options. I dont know which I'm going to do next.

These are NOT Disney characters, which is why I'm asking you guys which.

The requests are still going to be made, but I'd like to make one more first. Your options are:

Male! Anastasia (Anastasia)

Male! Coraline (Coraline)

Male! Fiona (Shrek)

Male! Heather Chandler (Heathers)

Male! Mavis (Hotel Transylvania)

Male! Lydia (Beetlejuice)

Anyways, enjoy the story!

"Princess Y/n of Bastilla, it is an honor to meet you."
"It truly is, Prince Anders." I curtsied.
"I was wondering, you know how your military is quite small?" He said, making a gesture with his hands.

"Yes, I do." I said.
"Well, my military is quite strong. I could easily take over and destroy your kingdom."
He said with a smug look.

"What do you want." I glared.
"Your hand in marriage."

I sighed as I held the bouquet of flowers in my hand, I was actually getting married to this piece of-

"Y/n?" Jackson's voice questioned, entering my room.
I smiled at my best friend, and my only real love.
"Hello, Jackie."

"You could always run away-" he begged.
"No, I can't. I'm not a normal civilian, I'm royalty. It's my duty to marry a.. prince.." I sighed.

Jackson sadly nodded and walked towards me, kissing my cheek.
"I'm sorry..." he said, leaving the room.
I smoothed down my dress and started walking out of my room, and into the alter.

I never wanted this marriage, I loved Jackson. And I always will. But for now, I have to learn to move on.
I walked down the isle with a fake smile on my face.

Jackson was nowhere to be seen in the audience.
My future husband stood at the altar, smiling wickedly as I stood in front of him.

The priest began speaking, I obviously didn't pay a bit of attention to it.
My focus shifted to Jackson sneaking in with his friend, Aladdin.

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked Prince Anders.

"I do."
"And do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
I looked at the floor, sad.
"I... I do..."

"If anyone wishes for this holy union to be stopped, speak now or forced hold your peac-"
"I OBJECT!" A loud voice exclaimed.

Everyone gasped as Jackson began walking towards me.
My eyes widened as he rushed in front of me, Aladdin running close behind.

Aladdin had some sort of Cobra staff in his hands.
He raised the staff and slammed it down on the ground, throwing everyone out of the ceremony except for Jackson, Aladdin, and I.

Jackson sprinted to my side, panicked.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't want to ruin your wedding.. I just... I couldn't let it happen..." he mumbled.
"Let what happen?" I questioned, unsure if I was relieved or angry.

"I.. I couldn't lose you.." he mumbled, gently grasping my hands in his.
"You wouldn't have lost me." I said with a sad smile.

"No. I don't mean losing your friendship.." he mumbled, looking away.
I gave him a confused look, freezing as he grabbed my hand.

His deep brown eyes stared into mine.
With a quick pull of my hand, my body was against his, and his lips were on mine.

I immediately melted into the kiss, allowing my emotions to take over.
He pulled away a short while later, smiling at me.

"Does that explain it?"
"I would say it does." I chuckled.

Male! Disney characters  x Reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now