Male! Jasmine

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Being the daughter of Jafar was no easy task, he was extremely controlling

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Being the daughter of Jafar was no easy task, he was extremely controlling.
He expected me to be perfect in every way.. that no matter what, he would be able to boss me around...

"I want you to convince the prince that marriage to another royal is what's best, alright?" Jafar angrily asked, gripping my arm tightly, leaving a bruise.
I nodded my head quickly so he let go.

It was hard to live up to his expectations, thankfully, Jackson was there for me.
Prince Jackson of Agrabah, the only person I trust.

Jafar left the room after glaring at me.
I quickly retreated to my room, thinking.

I wasn't royalty, nor was I treated as such.
I was treated normally by most people.
Sighing, I sat on the edge of my bed.
My room wasn't small, but it wasn't huge.

It had enough room to be comfortable with, and I couldn't have been more grateful for that.
"Y/n?" A voice said, knocking on my door.

"Come in." I sighed, rolling my sleeves down to hide the bruise Jafar caused.
Jackson entered the room, a soft smile on his face.
"You look beautiful, Y/n."

"Thank you." I mumbled, upset over what happened earlier, and how he expected me to convince Jackson.

"Baba and your father keep trying to get me to wed." Jackson groaned, sitting beside me.

"I know... but... you should marry for love, not politics..." I mumbled, knowing for a fact that Jafar was gonna hurt me for saying that to Jackson.

"I plan to... but I'm unsure if she likes me back..." Jackson mumbled.
My heart immediately sunk.

"Well, who's the lucky girl that caught the princes eye." I asked with a teasing smirk, trying to hide the pain I felt inside.

"Her name is Amani."  He said with a blush.

(I dont know what a female Aladdin's name would be, so it's good enough.

My heart sunk even more when I realized that I knew Amani.
"The street rat?" I questioned.
"Yes, that's her." He smiled dreamily.

"You know... they're never gonna allow that..." I sighed.
"I thought you just told me to marry for love." He said with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's one thing for them to not be royalty, it's another for them to be a complete utter criminal." I stated.

"She isn't a criminal!" He defended.
"She steals, evades arrest, and cons people out of money. She is a criminal." I glared.

Jackson quickly stood up, angry.
I went to put my hand on his shoulder, but he grabbed my arm before I could.

I immediately winced as he grabbed the spot where Jafar had caused a bruise earlier.
He gave me a confused look and rolled my sleeve down, noticing the bruise.

"Out." I glared.
Jackson stood firm, not moving.
"You would have happily left a few seconds ago. So leave." I said, shooing him off.

But he wasn't moving still.
So I physically pushed him out of my room and shut the door behind him, locking it.

I didn't want to deal with him.
We just fought, I don't want his sympathy.
Standing on my balcony, I looked out into the horizon.

I saw a tiny figure, no doubt it was Amani.
She had stolen something and was running firm guards.
I rolled my eyes and walked back to my bed, laying down on my back.

What does he even see in her? She's a common thief! This is all such... ugh! If he loves her, so be it. If she makes him happy, then it's fine by me.

But the second he comes running back to me, telling me about how awful of a decision it was, I won't spare a bit of sympathy.

I was drawn out of my thoughts as I heard my door being lock picked.
Jackson entered the room with a smirk.

I pointed to the door.
"Get. Out." I glared.
"Not until you tell me what happened."
"Why do you care?" I scoffed.

"Because you were my friend!" He exclaimed.

"Were..?" I questioned quietly.
"Y/n... I-"
"That's enough... just leave me alone..." I mumbled, walking back to the balcony.

He stood beside me, looking outside as well.
"Ever sense we talked earlier, you've been acting a lot more cold and angry, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nunya." I glared.
"What's nunya?"
"Nunya business." I said, scooting away from him.

"Could you stop being so hardheaded and just tell me?!" He exclaimed, hitting the railing of the balcony in frustration.

"Why not?!"
"I don't want to ruin this!" I yelled, he seemed taken aback.

"You were the only friend I had... I was trying so hard not to lose that... but apparently I lost it already." I said, turning away from him.

"Don't. Just don't try." I sighed, walking away.
But he grabbed my hand before I could fully leave.

"Just tell me! We can work this out together." He said.
"No we can't!"
"And why can't we?!"

"Because I love you, okay?!" I exclaimed, yanking my hand out of his.
"You kept playing with my emotions like it was a harp. You got me to fall for you. Then you just moved on." I muttered.

He tried explaining himself, but I stopped him.
"No. You made me think you liked me. You flirted with me, made me feel all these ways, just to leave me in the end."

His face filled with sadness.
"Just get out, go to Amani, leave me alone." I sighed.

"Y/n... please... just let me explain..." he begged, getting on his knees and holding my hands in his.

"You have one chance to explain yourself." I glared, taking my hands out of his.
He got off his knees and stared into my eyes.

I was about to ask him what he was doing, but he swiftly wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his lips on mine.

I felt the urge to pull away, but I didn't... I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pulled away a little while later, softly smiling at me.
"Why did you..."

"I never like Amani. She's just a friend, I just didn't want you to know that I love you as well." He said with a smile.

I slapped him across the face, then hugged him.
"Don't do anything like that again."
Jackson nodded and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

He pressed his lips to mine again, holding me close.
"I promise, I won't." He said, gently holding my face.

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