Male! Anastasia

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Grandma, it's me, ✨Anastasia✨

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Grandma, it's me, Anastasia

(Your outfit, feel free to change the color ^^)

(Your outfit, feel free to change the color ^^)

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Anastasius' outfit

Anastasius' outfit

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"So... this is goodbye..." I said to Dimitri and Vlad.
"What? Goodbye?!" Vlad exclaimed.
"Yes, I just... I can't stay here... I belong is St. Petersburg." I sighed.

"Then I'm going with you." Dimitri said.
"No, you two need to stay here... please..." I mumbled.
"But... what about Anastasius... he loves you, and you love him!" Vlad exclaimed.

"Which is why I must go... I said it many times, princes don't marry kitchen girls." I said.
"So... you're just going to leave..? But Anastasius' ball is starting now..." Dimitri mumbled.
"Exactly, he'll be too busy to notice I'm gone."

"My choice has been made... feel free to visit at any time, I'll be staying at the old palace, where we used to live."  I smiled sadly.

The two brought me into a quick hug as I left.
I grabbed my briefcase, which had my necessities, and left for the train station.

I didn't want to leave, but I couldn't stay.
I couldn't take it anymore.
Anastasius' happy ending was here in Paris...
Mine was in St. Petersburg...

I walked all the way to the train station and sighed.
I set my case down and sat on it, waiting for the train.

I heard the crowd of people gasping as Anastasius rushed in, looking at me as I looked at him.
"If you ever see me from a carriage, don't wave." I remarked.

He started walking towards me, but I halted him.
"I don't want to be in love with someone I can't have for the rest of my life. Goodbye, your majesty." I said, standing up and bowing.

I grabbed my case and began to walk away, but I stopped as he spoke.

"I always dreamed my first kiss would be in Paris with a beautiful princess." He spoke to me. I turned to face him and sighed.
"I'm not your princess, Anya."

He began walking towards me quickly and angrily.
"The Grand Duke Anastasius Romanoff, would beg to disagree!" He remarked, marching towards me and taking the case from my hands, laying it on the floor infront of me.

"Dima." He smirked.
(Dima means 'Strong Fighter')
I was confused, until he made me stand on the case as he pressed his lips against mine.
I blushed and kissed back, still shocked by what was happening.

Everyone at the train station watched in surprise as the prince and I kissed.
He pulled away with a smile.
Anastasius picked me and the case up, laughing as he walked us back to the castle.

"Now, why exactly did you think you could leave that easily?" He asked as he entered the castle.
"Well, I thought I would be able to get away fast enough." I mumbled quietly.

"And why would you do that?"
"I said why a minute ago, I don't want to fall in love with someone I can't have."
"What do you mean?"
"Princes don't marry kitchen girls."

"Kitchen girls... wait... it was you... you were the girl that saved us during the revolution!" He exclaimed.

He laughed again, I was conflicted.
Was I meant to be here? I was certain I would be able to leave and start a new life, this isn't what I thought would happen.

"We still have a ball to go to, we'll go through with this as if nothing has happened." He stated.
I rolled my eyes inwardly and groaned.
"Do I have to? You're the royal, not me."

"Yes you have to, everyone thinks we're married." He sighed.
"So? Whether they believe it or not, it's not true."
He just handed me the gown I was supposed to wear.

"Just get dressed, love." He laughed.

(Feel free to change the color ^^)

Anastasius took my hand and led us onto the stage in the ballroom, everyone's eyes were on us

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Anastasius took my hand and led us onto the stage in the ballroom, everyone's eyes were on us.
I looked around at the large crowd, and curtsied, the crowd bowing to us.

Anastasius wrapped his arm around my waist as I walked towards my seat.
I gave him a confused look.
He walked us both over to his throne. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

"Anastasius!" I whisper yelled, glaring at him.
"What?" He smirked.
"This is highly informal!" I glared, my face red from the embarrassment.

"So what? Fleeing as the ball started was quite informal."
"Those are two very different subjects." I groaned.

Anastasius simply laughed and led me stand up, offering his hand to me.
"May I have this dance?"

I pondered my choice, causing Anastasius to groan.
He impatiently grabbed my hand and led us into the ballroom floor.

I chuckled in amusement as we got into a waltz position.
We began to dance, staring into each others eyes.
Nothing else mattered, so why did we have to care.

After this night, Anastasius was going to be overwhelmed with being in charge of everything, most likely causing him to not spend any time with me.

But I was going to stay by his side, no matter what.
He stopped the dance and pressed his lips against mine, holding me by the waist.

My eyes fluttered closed as I melted into the kiss.
Once we pulled away, a smile broke onto our faces.

"I love you, Princess." He smirked, starting the dance again.

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