22- the final ending

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A happy ending?

"Eddie dont you dare leave me!" Carrie screamed at the top of her lungs. The sheik was enough to make Eddies shoulders flinch. "I can't Carrie, I can't run away this time," Eddie's voice was desperate. "You're running away from me!" she shouted back to him. By now Dustin had pulled a chair, ready to jump back through the gate. "Grab a pillow to fall on dumbass," Carrie shook her head at her brother. She was determined, her mind set on what she was going to do. She wasn't going to loose Eddie that easy. "Lets go," she nodded to Dustin, going through the gate, Dustin quickly followed. 

"Follow the sound of bats?" Dustin shrugged, running outside the trailer. "There!" Dustin shouted, spotting Eddie who was attempting to fight off the bats with his make shift shield. "We need a plan, Nancy and Steve always have a plan, they always survive," Carrie pointed out. Dustin looked behind him. "Okay, a super quick plan," Dustin fumbled. "Right," Carrie felt around in her pocket, pulling out a lighter. An idea sprang to her head as she sprinted back into the trailer, running back out with a bottle of transparent liquid. "Noise, really loud noise," Carrie motioned to the guitar that was left attached to the amps. Her and Dustin ran for Eddies life as they finally reached the guitar. It was still plugged in. "I dont know how to play the fucking guitar," she shouted as she began to strike the strings of the instrument. Some sort of loud racket came out of the amps, it was enough to work with the plan. "It's working!" Dustin shouted. Carrie could clearly see her plan was well going to plan. She continued to hit the strings of the guitar, cringing slightly at how horrific the noise truly was. The bats squaked, clearly getting significantly closer. "Ready?" Dustin shouted up to his sister. She nodded, hitting the guitar one more time, at the same time the bats landed, surrounding her and the noise. "Bye bye birdy," she smirked, pulling the lighter from her pocket, connecting it on the ground with the bottle of spirit she had found in the trailer. In the millisecond between the calm and explosion, Carrie took a leap, jumping from the height of where the amps have been to the ground. The explosion pushed her a little further than she intended but it had done its job. "CARRIE!" Dustin shouted, running to his sisters crumpled body on the ground. "Carrie! It worked you were amazing!" Dustin beamed at his older sister. Carrie lifted her head to look at the flaming, dying bats above her. "Brilliant," she smiled, dropping her head back to the floor before it immediately shot back up. "EDDIE!" she shouted, scrambling to her feet, pulling her brother as they ran toward where they had seen Eddie. 

He was gone.

"Where the fuck could he have gone?" Dustin asked, confused. "I-" Carrie spun around to see a figure moving toward them. "EDDIE" she squealed, running faster than perhaps she even did earlier. With ease, he picked her up swinging her around before placing her on the floor and kissing her passionately. "You're alive!" Carrie smiled. "You're alive!" Eddie smiled back. "I'm alive," the voice broke the couple from their trance. "Oh yeah, Dustin is here too," Carrie rolled her eyes smiling at her boys. 

"So pleased you're all reunited but one I specially said no heroes and two we've really got to go," Steves deep voice caused all three of them to look towards the trailer and then to the world that was falling apart around them. "Holy shit," all three of them spoke before running towards Steve.


"It gives me so much pleasure to give this graduation certificate to the towns new hero, saving many of his fellow students from the disastrous earthquake that took place- Edward Munson" Carries cheers overpowered anyone else in the hall as Eddie stood up to take his diploma. And as promised, he took it and flipped the bird earning a gasp from the people around him. Carrie stood up, clapping for her boyfriend. Eddie jumped off the stage, ripping off his gown, revealing his band shirt and ripped jeans and of course handkerchief, walking straight towards Carrie, taking her hand as they walked out of the hall together. "So dramatic," Carrie smirked too him. "Oh you love it," he winked, pulling her in for a kiss. "Hmmm, I guess I do love you," she smiled up to him. "I guess I love you more," he laughed, opening the car door for her then getting in his own side.

Three's A Crowd? (Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington x OC)Where stories live. Discover now