the beginning

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im currently sitting in the front row of saturday night live in 30 rock. ive always wanted to see everyone i love in person: bill hader, jason sudeikis, kristen wiig. i love them all and im glad i finally got the chance to see them while im in new york. im from michigan, but im not sure what to do with my life— so obviously im travelling.

ugh! these sketches are so good and funny. i can definitely tell which jokes john mulaney made. i have no idea what this sketch is about to turn into but— OH MY GOD! i swear andy samberg just made eye contact with me and smirked. this is the best—


im getting a call, and when bills on stage! dammit. i make my way out of the studio and towards the bathrooms. i look at my phone, its a call from my mom.

"hey y/n! hows new york?"

"its fine mom, thanks for—"

"did you find any jobs?"

of course she was asking about jobs. ive been on top of everything my whole life, but when my dad died, things got kind of hard. everything fell apart for me. we both loved saturday night live, but my mother hated it. i told her i was going to visit new york for a job interview.

"im still looking"

"alright honey just checking in"

"yeah i know"

"stay safe, i love you"

"love you too, mom. bye"

"bye bye"

its nice that she wanted to check in, but she couldnt have waited until commercial. that dumbass call took away from my time watching all my favorite stars perform. whatever, i gotta get back to my seat before i miss too much.

- - - - -

as im making my way back to the studio i bump into somebody and feel soaking wet. they spilled their ice cold pepsi on me. i was wearing my favorite ripped jeans and white crop top.

"oh my god im so sorry," i said.

"youre sorry? im sorry! youre all wet and sticky!" he exclaimed.

wait a second. i recognized that voice. but what was he doing here? shouldnt he be backstage watching the show? to confirm my theory, i look up, to see none other but seth meyers in front of me. i immediately blush. i mean, i guess i kind of have a thing for every member of snl. but who doesnt?

"seth meyers?!" i blurted, "you do not have to be sorry. i totally bumped into you! thats my bad. ill just go to the bathroom, dry off, and go back yo my seat. no worries"

"oh no you arent" he declared

"what?" i said, obviously confused

"whats your name?" seth asked politely

"y/n, but you dont have to—"

"well, y/n, you and i are going to go backstage because i happen to have clothes. and i want to make it up to you," he cut me off

"oh no you really dont have to," i said, shyly

"oh i really want to. no worries" he said, slightly mocking me, but i found it charming. "but first, i need to go to the mens room to get freds glasses."

"his glasses?" i questioned

"yeah he went in here earlier and took them off. im doing this as a favor for him."

hm, seth is kind of thoughtful. i was waiting outside of the restrooms as he looked inside. im just so surprised that this is all happening. everything happens for a reason, right? maybe this is the beginning of a new chapter. oh theres seth.

"alright lets go" he said gripping my hand and dragging me behind the action.

this day just keeps getting better.

unexpected turns (snl inspired)Where stories live. Discover now