change of clothes

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when we got to seths office he told me to sit on the couch then he left to give fred his glasses. i sat in there for a couple minutes, just admiring everything and being grateful for the recent events that led me here.

"back! im back y/n!" seth declared. he seemed just as excited as me that this was happening, but i tried to stay composed.

seth told me to follow him, and shortly enough, we arrived at the costume design room. there were so many articles of clothing that i remembered from previous shows. i was so entranced that i didnt even realize seth had left and came back right in front of me, but this time with someone else.

"this is tom. hes one of the costume designers here. he can find you something new to wear!" seth explained.

tom extended his hand out and i accepted, shaking his. after exchanging greetings he asked me what kind of clothes i wanted to wear. i said something comfy, well because nice got ruined. he then pulled out a hoodie and some shorts.

"now, these shorts might be big, but the waist is adjustable, so you could wear these. theyre from andy, but i doubt we'll be doing his 'runner in too short shorts' bit again." tom told me

"wow thanks" i said. this was so cool; to be wearing things that my celebrity crushes have worn.

"and this was bills, i hope you dont mind im giving you mens clothing. this was the closest thing, and you look cold, wet, and sticky." he said, trying not to be rude.

"gee, thanks," i said, obviously joking. all three of us shared a laugh, then me and seth went on our way.

seth brought me back to his office so i could het changed. he closed the door for me and said he'd be waiting outside so whenever i was ready, i could come out. i took off my jeans and shirt, then threw on andys blue shorts, and bills gray hoodie. they smelled better than i thought and didn't look too bad either. i put my clothes in my hands and opened the door.

"um seth, what do i do with these?" i said directed at my pepsied up clothes.

"oh i got a bag right here. let me take those," he snatched my clothes threw them in the plastic bag, tied the bag, and chucked it at his couch and closed the door.

i couldnt not laugh. and apparently, neither could he.

now that i'm in my new wardrobe, i can comfortably go around with seth and do stuff. i wanted to, but at the same time i didnt feel like i belonged there. like with all of those creative people, im just not confident in myself. usually im funny and stuff, and people say they like hanging out with me. i dont know, i always seem to overthink things and i think its because i lost my—

"y/n?" seth said grabbing my attention, " you checked out there for a second, you good?"

"oh yeah, i just got distracted for a second," i said

"okay, want to go backstage now and meet people?" seth asked

"yes" i replied, obviously i did but im pretty sure its going to be awkward, well because its me.

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