the audition

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i did have some characters ready and i did them for andy so he could judge them. he loved my grampus character and everleighton dreytnock character. i also had some stories i could use if i wanted to do stand up. andy had this awesome idea for me to do stand up, and do the characters as a part of the routine. we worked together to workshop some more characters but i made sure i did the heavy lifting, it was my audition of course. after about two hours we were finished, i had a complete routine and was ready to audition.

andy and i decided to walk to 30 rock. this was my chance for him to get to know me, and not party me. i dont like party me. party me does things that i wouldn't do. the only problem with introducing myself was that he was andy samberg and i was just y/n. as we were walking i was taking in the new environment, i mean i had only been in new york for about a day.

"hey youre being kind of quiet, are you okay?"

"yeah i guess im just kinda nervous"

"well it is nerve wracking at first, but once you get the hang of it, youre set!"

i chuckled at that. he thinks that i have a chance. that's sweet but not very realistic.

"oh well i guess we're here. thank you andy"

"nope" he said grabbing my arm taking me into the building, "i just want to make sure you stay safe going in there, you know after— huh i just lost my thought. weird"

after what?

andy obviously knew something i didn't. what was he hiding from me? what happened last night? this kind of suspense is going to ruin my audition, not that i thought i had a chance. gosh.

the elevator ride was silent. he walked me to the studio and held the door for me.

"good luck" he said with a smile

"thanks you too" i said, then facepalmed while he smiled, "bye" i muttered closing the door behind me

- - - - -

after my audition i was all jittery about feeling like i couldve been better. luckily, andy waited for me. ill probably find out what's going to come from this audition in a few days. however, i am a bit parched so i think i might get some—

"oh shit"

"what's wrong, y/n?"

"my clothes and stuff from yesterday are in seths office"

"okay well let's get them!"

"can i? i mean am i allowed to?"

"why wouldn't you be?"

"uhh i dunno, maybe because im not a snl person" i said snarky

"ugh come on" he rolled his eyes

we got to his office and i grabbed a bag with a note on it.

hey y/n! saw you left this and i know youre going to come back for it. dont worry! everything's in it, including some memorabilia! see you later!

"how sweet" i said looking at the bag

"noice, bag acquired! lets head out!"

we took the elevator down back to where we came from and walked out of the building.

"thank you for everything, andy. im never going to forget this." he looked at me puzzled as if he didnt know what to say, "i guess this is goodbye, i can walk down to my hotel alone. i dont want to overstay my welcome and impose—"

"you wouldnt be imposing"

"its fine, thanks though" i said smiling, walking in the opposite direction

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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