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as seth and i are just chilling in his office talking about the party, kristen wiig enters.

"oh, sorry seth didnt know you had company" she said in a silly voice

"oh no, its just y/n, come on in!" seth invited her in

i was in utter shock to see her. she gave me my comedic timing and helped me come out of my shell the second i saw her on screen. she changed my life.

"so whos this little diva" she said referencing the clothes

"im y/n, im only here because seth spilled pepsi ALL OVER ME and he wants to make up for it, even though i told him it was fine" i explained, jokingly

"well if he really wants to make it up to you, he should invite you to the after party." kristen told me

"already did—" seth got cut off

"oh my gosh come with me y/n! we need a wardrobe change!" kristen announced

- - - - -

im in the wardrobe room for the SECOND time today. this is just crazy. if i had told myself yesterday that i would take a taxi to new york and meet the people at snl i wouldve said i was delusional. everything happens for a reason.

"what about this one?" kristen said in her crazy target lady voice. this is the first dress she showed me, and frankly the only one because of how cute it is.

the dress is like a shimmery silver/blue mini dress and its HOT.

"is it too much?" i replied

"not at all" kristen assured me

"then i LOVE it!" i exclaimed

i grabbed the dress and i started to help kristen look for hers because she said she was going to get one from the racks too. then i heard someone else ruffling through the clothes.

"and i thought i was the only one going through the costumes for an outfit tonight!" bill said. then he furrowed his eyebrows at me, "hey, who are you?"

i have no idea how to talk to this man. he is so handsome i cant breath. kristen sees that im hesitating so she jumps in.

"this is y/n. seth ruined her night and invited her to the after party. i personally love her"

"aw well if kristen loves you, i love you" he picked up my hand and gave it a little kiss.

i smile, unsure of what to say when i blurt, "why thank you monsieur"

"of course madam! doth lady want to help me pick out my outfit?" he plays along, while also secretly asking kristen for permission to take me away. she nods.

"i shall commence the picking of your clothing!" i announce.

after about ten minutes in the racks we all have our outfits. kristen made us all dress up, because she said this party had a theme and everyone would be dressed like us. i hope she's telling the truth, but if she isnt i don't mind because my outfit is so pretty.

im wearing the dress, along with a matching snowflake clip (which is coordinating with the weather as its november,) and black heels that have a clear heel.

kristen is wearing a pink midi dress with her hair in an updo, with matching pink heels.

bill is wearing a baby blue suit with a blue tie, and navy blue shoes. kristen and i picked out the shoes because we thought itd be funny if his outfit was monochromatic.

after we all got changed we got a cab to the bar.

unexpected turns (snl inspired)Where stories live. Discover now