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once we got backstage, i immediately felt my anxiety spike up. that always happens when im about to do something. i should get that checked out. i think i have anticipational anxiety. however, that all eased down when i looked up at the screen and saw what they were doing up on the stage. i glanced to my left to see someone sitting in a chair with another guy holding his shoulders. upon further examination, i saw that it was bill hader. he must've been having an anxiety attack because he seemed really out of it. he was in a suit about to do some sketch ive never seen before. i felt bad but just as i was about to take a step forward i heard another voice.

"damnnn girl! are those my shorts?" the voice asked

i turned to see andy. speechless, i tried to respond

"i- uh- um"

"your ass looks better in them than mine does!" andy shouted.

i snorted at that, and ive rarely snorted since the incident.

"do i recognize you from the audience?" andy gasped, "yes i do! you were in the front row!"

"yes i was—" i was interrupted

"why the change of clothes" he questioned

"because i spilled my soda all over her" seth butt in

i could tell andy was trying not to laugh. then he bursted out in laughter.

"im sorry, it's just seth did the same thing to me last month and all i got was a 'my bad' from him," he laughed

that made me smile. i have no idea how he can talk to me like im his friend and not know me at all. then it hit me, he doesnt even know my name!

"my name is y/n" i smiled, extending my arm out for a shake.

"that's not how i do it!" andy said.

then he caught me off guard with a hug, lifting me off the ground. it was simultaneously the best hug ive ever gotten and the first real one in years. after he let go i smiled and could feel the red coming to my face.

"gotta run" andy said

"hes got the next sketch," seth explained "wanna say hi to the rest at the after party?"

ive never been to an after party. every time ive been invited i said no, i think. sometimes i was blackout drunk. i used to party like crazy, sometimes i like to think my party days are behind me, and then i get invited to a party.

"oh my gosh yes!" i exclaim, excited for the rest of the night.

unexpected turns (snl inspired)Where stories live. Discover now