the afterparty

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wow. kristen wasnt lying, everyone is really dressed up. i think john took it the most seriously with his top hat and cane. just when i was about to introduce myself i heard seths voice on a speaker. everyone's heads turned to the stage. oh no, this is a karaoke bar.

"hey everybody! today i ruined a special girls day by spilling soda all over her nice outfit and causing her to miss our show. lets all make it up to her tonight, alright?" seth said to the crowd of snl cast and crew, to which they cheered, "come on up here y/n!" 

sonny and chers 'i got you babe' started playing through the bar. ive never had stage fright in my life until this moment. kristen nudges me to the stage and i smile, its good to overcome fears and i did just that. seth and i start singing our lungs out to the song. i feel stupid but looking and hot stupid seth looks in his red suit makes me feel better, in fact everyone in here is dressed stupidly. this might be better than i was expecting. after the song ends, bill pushes us off stage and sings 'hungry like the wolf' as stefon.

i don't want to get drunk tonight. i want to look good for these people and not be a party animal, once i drink i can't stop. i walk up to the bar and ask for an ice water.

"whaaaat, ice water?" john shouts.

"nice to meet you too," i reply with a fun sass

"john mulaney, monopoly man by day, booze man by night!" he said, arms in the air

"so what are you having?" i chuckled

"oh you know, a little bit of everything." he mumbled

"you know what? count me in," i caved

next thing i know everyone is all around me going "chug chug chug" and i am, and so is john. i finish mine first.

"wow! thats the first person to beat mulaney!" jason exclaimed

i got back on stage and sang my girl with john, andy, bill, and fred. in my opinion, we sounded great. not sure about anyone else because i cant really seem to remember anything right now. um i think i might have tried some olives or something. uhh... wow this is hard. hm, i have no idea. i think im blacking out HAHAHAHAHA

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