waking up

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i hear rustling next to me in the bed. WAIT IN THE BED? NEXT TO ME? i shoot up and open my eyes wide. i gasp to see andy in the bed next to me. apparently my reaction woke him up too and he turned his head to me and said no we didnt with his eyes, but i don't read them.


"noo! we didn't! promise!"

i let out a sigh of relief. i don't know what it was about him, but the way he said it made me feel safe.

"im so embarrassed. i don't remember anything, and if i'm in your bed i must've done something wrong last night," i confessed

"hey! whats wrong with being in my bed!" he called out

i didnt even realize how rude i sounded.

"no no, not like that! its just—i promised myself that i wouldnt, you know, do something crazy." i confessed

"dont worry youre good. do you want me to tell you what you did last night?"

"oh no..." i said burying my face in his... these pillows smell amazing DAMN, "please tell me."

"okay well, what do you last remember?"

"i was singing!"

"okay but which time, the one with kristen?"

"i sang with kristen???"

"yikes... lets get up and make some food while i tell you."

i got up to follow andy and then i realized i wasn't wearing anything besides my bra and panties.

"oh my god, andy where are my clothes?!"

"oh right, that." he said reaching for basketball shorts and t-shirt, "you said youd be more comfortable in something that wasnt 'scratchy and unflattering' so you stripped and told me you werent going to 'do anything' so..."

i took his clothes and put them on then followed him to his kitchen. it was surprisingly clean for someone like him. i let him continue with his little story.

"first off, john challenged you to a drinking contest and apparently you don't know how to say no. you got absolutely wasted and started going to the karaoke mic, a lot. then you got into another contest with bill, you won that one too, shockingly. um what else, oh yeah! apparently lorne was there, which is crazy because he never is, but you were doing impressions and he seemed to like them! lets see, you have an audition today, it was going to be next week, but you said you didn't need the week, so you have that at three."

i looked at the time, 11:00 am. i have some time to prepare, i guess my mom was right about jobs in new york.

"um andy?"


"how am i supposed to audition today?"

"oh ill take you!"

thats not exactly what i meant but ill take it. id hate to have my audition written by someone on snl too. id want to earn my part, if i even had a chance. i feel like my anxiety would get in the way or something.

"thanks andy. you can keep going"

"right. where was i, oh yes, you, bill, and john were so plastered that you started dancing on top of the tables to eternal love. it was hilarious! you even danced with lorne for a minute. then you decided to walk to your hotel room, which i thought was a horrible idea. so i tried to take you here, but you started resisting and yelling stranger danger, which didn't help me out at all. i had to do this whole thing so youd know who i was, but you finally let me take you home. once we got here i gave you my bed and was planning on sleeping in the couch, but you said you would sleep on the couch, but youre the guest that didn't make sense and we got into a fight about that. finally we compromised and decided to both sleep on the bed. and now youre caught up!"

"thank you kind sir"

"why my pleasure ma'am"

then andy cooked me food and we ate our meals making the best of our fun situation.

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