Chapter 5 - What will we be in?

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The first years then went in boats across the lake, leading up to Hogwarts. The castle was beautiful. It was magnificent. Although Aneesha's constant yells of "crap, we're going to drown" and "guys, the waters freaky" were annoying, the others could still bask in the glory of the castle.

When they arrived at Hogwarts they then stood in a large group waiting to be sorted. They were in the Great Hall, and Eden was starting to get nervous with all the students watching them.

The lady at the front of the hall, who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, placed a stool and an old pointed witch's hat on top of it.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," She said,

"Abbot, Hannah!" A girl with pigtails went up,

"HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat shouted.

Eden figured Hufflepuff is the table on the right, due to their clapping.

"Bones, Susan!"


"Boot, Terry!"


Mackenzie, who was behind Eden, whispered in her ear, "I thought she was calling out first names first and I was thinking they all had weird names." she giggled. Eden gave a slight smile, her new friends seemed strange.

"Brocklehurst, Mandy!"


The table second on the left appeared to be Ravenclaw.

"Brown, Lavender!"


The table on the far left appeared to be Gryffindor; they were clapping and cheering very loudly. Eden looked over and saw two red headed twins catcalling at Lavender.

She heard another whisper from behind her, "I have a thing for redheads, and twins." it was Aneesha, Eden grinned, yes, her friends were definitely weird. She turned around and raised her eyebrows at Aneesha, as if saying of course you noticed them.

"Bulstrode, Millicent!"

"SLYTHERIN!" Eden looked over at the Slytherin table, they looked alright, and just because they might not always be the nicest people it didn't mean that she needed to discriminate them.

"Busweeck, Mackenzie!" Mackenzie walked up and sat on the stool,

"HUFFLEPUFF!" She grinned and went over to the table.

"Canilli, Aneesha!" Aneesha gasped and slowly walked over to the hat,


"Colo, Eden!" Eden's eyes widened as she realised that was her name. She walked up, trying her hardest not to start swearing from anxiety.

"SLYTHERIN!" Eden looked over at the Slytherins as they clapped. She went to the table and took a seat beside Millicent.

"Colusant, Laura!" A tall girl with glasses walked up,

"SLYTHERIN!" The girl, Laura, smiled and took a seat across from Eden.

"Depia, Anna!" A girl with long eyelashes and braces went up,


"Evin, Keira!"


"Finch-Fletchley, Justin!"


"Finnigan, Seamus!"

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat announced, although it did  take a while to decide.

"Granger, Hermione!" The girl who was on the train went up eagerly,


"Hark, Catherine!" Catherine made a sort of squeaking noise before going up,


"Heds, Taylor!"


"Longbottom, Neville!" It's the boy who keeps losing his toad,

"GRYFFINDOR!" What's with all these Gryffindor's? Eden thought.

"Malfoy, Draco!" A blonde boy went forward; the hat had barely touched his head before it decided,

"SLYTHERIN!" Draco went and sat beside Eden, he just smirked while watching the rest of the people being sorted.

Amy got sorted into Hufflepuff and Gillian into Gryffindor. A girl named Ella got sorted into Ravenclaw, a girl named Pansy got sorted into Slytherin, a pair of twins went up; one was sorted into Ravenclaw and one Gryffindor.

A boy named Harry was sorted into Gryffindor, Draco scoffed at him and told Eden about how he's 'famous'.

A girl named Lisa became a Ravenclaw, a boy named Ron became a Gryffindor, he's related to those ginger twins, and a boy named Blaise was sorted into Slytherin.

Taylor didn't know any Gryffindor's besides Hermione, so she sat next to her and a girl called Aneesha.

One of the guys in Gryffindor is the famous Harry Potter. Taylor hadn't heard about him until Laura pointed him out while they were in the boats. He survived a murder from Voldemort, a very evil wizard.

There was also a family of red heads, the Weasley's. The youngest boy, Ron who is in his first year, seemed really nice, and Taylor had to admit that he was very cute.

Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, had said a few words. He seemed a bit crazy to all the first years, but Taylor thought he was wise.

They had eaten the feast and dessert and they then headed back to their dormitory. Taylor was walking with Aneesha and her friend Gillian. They had to follow Percy Weasley, who's a prefect. He led them up many flights of stairs, but the weird thing was they change directions. They were all very freaked out at first, but then some saw humour in it. They then arrived outside of a portrait of a large lady.

"Password?" She asked, staring at Percy,

"Capus draconus" Percy replied.

The portrait swung open to reveal a large hole. They walked through it and came into a large room.

"This is the Gryffindor common room." Percy announced to all of the first years.

He told the girls where their dorms were, and they started heading up there, but not before they were stopped by two red heads, the Weasley twins.

"Why, hello there," one of them tried flirting with Aneesha. She didn't seem to notice he was flirting and just frowned at him.

"Move out of our way please, we need to go to bed." Gillian snapped, pulling Aneesha's wrist to come up the stairs.

Taylor followed along and they walked into their dorm. Their belongings were already in there, so they got ready for bed.

"So, what do you think of Hogwarts so far?" Aneesha asked Taylor as they sat on her bed together,

"I think it's great! But I miss my family so much." Taylor replied, Aneesha sighed,

"I do too. I think people like the Weasley's are so lucky, they get to have most of their family with them all the time," She said, Taylor nodded, "Well, I guess we should go to bed. Our first classes are tomorrow."

She climbed onto her own bed and soon all the lights in their room were off and all the girls were fast asleep.

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