Chapter 19 - Statuses, crushes, and uh oh

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Eden sat in History of magic with Laura, winding string around her finger as Professor Binns droned on and on, she looked at the front row of desks and saw Mackenzie sitting with Amy, they both seemed to be taking notes, but how they paid any attention in this class was beyond Eden. Laura kept laughing at nothing, then Eden ended up laughing at nothing, and a Hufflepuff boy ended up throwing a scrunched up paper at their head. Eden snickered and started drawing a pineapple on Laura's paper, the only good thing about History of Magic was they got to do whatever they wanted. After class Laura and Eden walked their separate ways - there was only one way Eden would be respected by her Slytherin friends and that was not by hanging out with muggleborns - or a blood-traitor in Laura's case, but that was part of the problem; Laura already had something in place; her blood status. Eden didn't. She didn't want to be seen as a bitch but maybe she would have to be one.

That night Eden went to dinner, Laura seemed grumpier then than she did earlier, so Eden asked her what was wrong.

"My parents are throwing a posh ball type of thing for Christmas - and they asked me to invite some people." was what she said, Eden raised her eyebrows,

"And that makes you angry because...?"

"Well, besides the fact that I have to spend all night with the snooty, rude people, I don't know which of my friends I can invite,"Eden decided to sit down and discuss it with her,

"Well, Ella, Anna, Taylor, Aneesha and Gillian are all muggleborns. Mackenzie and Amy are purebloods, and Catherine, Keira, and I are half-bloods,"

"That doesn't help, Eden. I already knew all that, but it's more complicated than that." She groaned,

"I'm lost, explain please," Eden sighed,

"Well, even though Mackenzie and Amy are purebloods they're both in Hufflepuff. I don't know if I can invite Catherine or Keira because they are only half-bloods, and I don't know if I can invite you because you're half-blood,"

"But I'm in Slytherin!" Eden exclaimed,

"I know, but I don't know what my parents reaction would be if I bring a half-blood home, even though there's barely any pureblood families left now anyway."

They sat in silence for a moment before Laura started talking again, "You know what? Screw this. I'm inviting you, Mackenzie and Amy because they're purebloods and you're a Slytherin. And I don't care what my parents say,"

"That's the spirit!" Eden cheered.


Amy, Mackenzie and Eden were at Laura's families Christmas ball; they stood awkwardly near the chocolate fountain - charmed by magic of course.

"Laura," she heard the angry voice of her mum whisper, "who invited them?" her mum pointed at Laura's friends, they were standing in the corner, looking slightly underdressed compared to everyone else,

"I did," She smirked. She crossed the ballroom, avoiding people making their way onto the ballroom floor,

"Hey!" Eden greeted her, "You invited Draco too?" Eden asked, looking around for the recognisable blonde hair,

"Nah, my parents did but he stayed at Hogwarts. They also invited some others from Slytherin but I don't like them. Oh, and Eden, don't expect any of them to socialise with you with all these old pureblood families around by the way." She said. Eden nodded, and looked at the ground.

They spent until the late hours of night dancing before they left.


Eden was lying in bed trying to sleep when she felt someone shake her awake and murmur her name aggressively,

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