Chapter 18 - Those damn Slytherins...

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A large eagle owl soared into the great hall at breakfast and landed next to Laura's orange juice. It was her families, Closs. Laura had her own owl named Dan but he had an injury. Closs stuck his foot out to Laura and she took the parcel from him. He gave a toot of indignation, so she handed him half a piece of toast and he hooted happily before spreading his large wings and flying away.

"What do you think it is?" Eden asked, Laura looked up to see her sitting across from her with none other than Draco. Laura felt the parcel; it was soft with a hard section in the centre,

"I'm not sure, it feels like clothes and something else but I can't figure out what." she replied. She slowly opened up the brown parcel. Inside was a fuzzy purple jumper, a small bag of lollies and a small green cardboard box.

"You can have some," Laura told Eden motioning to the lollies, "Not you." she added as Draco went to reach for some, he rolled his eyes at her and took one anyway. She opened up the box which revealed a necklace and a note. The necklace had a silver chain with a large dark green stone at the bottom, and the note read 'To love is to protect'. She slid the jumper on top of the t-shirt she was wearing and put the necklace around her neck, the stone was surprisingly heavy on her chest.

"That's really pretty," Eden smiled at her referring to the stone,

"Thanks, it's from my parents," she replied,

"My mum has one like that; I think it's symbolic of old pureblood families," Draco said,

"Well that explains why I've never seen it." Eden smiled.

The spot on Laura's chest where the stone sat felt cold and numb. She could feel something pumping through her veins, something ice cold that tingled as it ran down her arms leaving them feel numb. She took it off and quickly put it in her bag once Eden and Draco looked away.

"I've got some great news, I'm the new Slytherin seeker," Draco said. Eden and Laura congratulated him, "I had my first practice tomorrow morning." They then we went for a walk around the lake.

"Have you ever wondered about what you want to do when you leave?" Eden asked Laura after Draco left to be with some of his friends,

"I want to work at the ministry, but I don't know what department yet. It's that or I become a healer," Laura replied, she really had thought a bit about that,

"Aiming high huh?" Eden smirked,

"Well when you're a genius like me it's natural to have high expectations, and it's also natural to achieve them," she replied. Eden rolled her eyes at Laura.

"And people question why you were put in Slytherin," She laughed, "I think I want to write for the daily prophet,"

"That's great! Hopefully you'll be a reporter that prints the truth and isn't bias." Laura said, Eden grinned,

"Don't worry. I won't be."


 Aneesha sat on her bed, drawing as Angelina Johnson came barging into her dorm room, Taylor was already up having been use to early mornings because of her many different sports.

"Get ready we have early quidditch practice!" Angelina exclaimed, Taylor and Aneesha got prepared for practice, put their robes on, grabbed their brooms, and walked down to the pitch.

When they got down there Aneesha took a seat besides the messy haired Weasley Twins, while Taylor sat with Angelina and asked what they usually do at training.

"It's too early," Fred groaned,

"Shut up, I didn't even have time to pee!" Aneesha exclaimed,

"We really needed to know that," George rolled his eyes and said,

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