||Chapter Thirty||

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"Your on the cover! You're on the cover"! I heard many girls yell out happily. I slowly got up from my long nap.

"What"? I spoke out confused having them open the door and walk in taking a seat on my bed.

"Look"! They all spoke happily while handing me the Daily Profit. I look closely at the picture smiling.

"Look what it says"! Astoria spoke happily pointing to the article.

"It's been confirmed Y/n Wyllt and Draco Malfoy are together! Aren't they ravishing? I think so! Will you be seeing more of these two in the papers? That's up to them"... I read out slowly looking up at the big group of girls sitting on my bed.

"Ummm... Thank you for showing me this". I whispered while handing the paper back to Astoria.

"Well"? The group of girls whisper.

"What"? I asked.

"Is the article true"? Astoria whispered.

"Yes". We all heard making all of us look over to see Draco leaning into the door frame crossing his arms.

"Could you leave us two alone for a minute"? Draco asked immediately all the girls rushed out.

"Thank you". I whispered while getting up from my bed and grabbing things to get ready quickly walking into the bathroom to change.

"See you down in the dining hall for dinner". Draco whispered while walking away. I looked in the mirror while brushing my hair quickly walking out of my room and down towards the dining hall. I walked in and immediately walked over to the Slytherin table grabbing things to eat.

"Second task is tomorrow". Goyle spoke out while taking a seat in front of I and Draco.

"Has the champions figured out their clue"? I whispered while taking a bite out of my food.

"Not that I know of". Crabbe whispered while taking a seat beside Goyle.

"Y/n"! Hermione yelled out while running over to me.

"Yeah Mione"? I asked while getting up from my seat and walking over to her.

"We need you". Ron whispered while slowly walking over. I looked over at him.

"Hmmm, you sure". I spoke annoyed.

"Yes"... Ron whispered.

"Okay then... With what"? I asked while walking with them.

"The clue". Hermione whispered while pushing the library doors open to see Harry laying his head on a stack of books.

"What happened to you". I laughed while taking a seat beside him.

"Been underwater... For awhile". He whispered.

"Do you know what this means"? Hermione asked while handing me a piece of parchment.

"Come seek us where our voices sound...we can not sing above the ground...an hour-long you have to look...to recover what we took". I read out.

"Well"? Harry whispered.

"Merpeople". I whispered while sliding the paper to him.

"Where did you guys find out about this"? I asked while looking at the paper.

"Harry needed to open the egg underwater to hear the clue". Hermione whispered.

"But there aren't merpeople around here". Ron whispered.

"Yeah, there is... The Black Lake". I whispered then looked over the words.

"An hour-long you'll have to look". I whispered.

"You mean he has to look underwater for an hour"? Hermione whispered worriedly.

"Most likely... It says that he has to look for what they took... So they mean merpeople which means the treasure is underwater". I whispered. Alastor Moody appears at the library door.

"Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see Wyllt and Granger in her office". Moody spoke softly.

"But sir, the second task is only hours away and-".

"Exactly! Presumably, Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep". Moody spoke over Hermione. I thought to myself while walking away with the two.

"Gilliweed"! I spoke out.

"Gilliweed"? Harry and Ron spoke out confused.

"Tell Neville what the task is... Tell him the word Gilliweed"! I spoke out while the library doors closed. I walked with Moody and Hermione down the hallways.

"Did we do something sir"? Hermione asked. I looked at her confused about why he was being silent. We walked into McGonagall's office to see Cho and a Beuaxton girl.

"Why are we here Profesor"? I asked confused.

"I'm very sorry about this". McGongall whispered pointing her wand towards us...

My head emerges over the water making me gasp for air. I quickly look around to see the little Beuaxton girl beside me.

"Grab my arm". I whispered. She quickly swims over holding onto my arm while I swim over to see three tall wooden towers to hear cheers. I swam closer to the towers to see Draco quickly running down the steps to the main dock grabbing a towel. I quickly grabbed his arm having him pull me up onto the deck wrapping me in a towel.

"Are you alright"? Draco whispered while hugging me tightly.

"I'm fine". I whispered laying my head on him while sitting down on the deck beside him. We all see Harry get propelled from the water falling onto the deck.

"Harry"! Dumbledore spoke out.

"Get him another towel"! Barty yelled. Draco holds me close to him while I watched Harry closely.

"You did a marvelous job Harry... Thank you". I whispered while Harry looked at me and Draco.

"Thank you, Potter". Draco whispered while I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Attention! Attention"! Dumbledore yelled over the speaker getting everybody's attention.

"The winner is... Mr. Diggory"! He yelled making loud cheers go throughout the towers.

"For showing unique command of the bubblehead charm!... The way I see it, Mr. Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Miss Wyllt but the others as well...We've agreed to award him second place"! Dumbledore spoke out. Everybody claps happily. I slowly stood up beside Draco walking back to the castle with his friends.

"All four of them going to the last task! Hard to believe". Blaise whispered.

"Yeah"... I whispered not excited about the last task.

"Miss Wyllt". Lucius spoke out. I and Draco turned to see him walking over to us.

"You guys go ahead without us". I whispered to the group while I and Draco walked over to Lucius.

"I didn't know you would be attending the second task father". Draco whispered while having an arm wrapped around me in a towel.

"Will be attending the last take as well". Lucius whispered then looked over at me.

"Glad you and my son are together Miss Wyllt... Have been awaiting this day for a while now". Lucius whispered while lightly shaking my hand.

"Mhm". I whispered uncomfortably.

"We need to get back into the castle". Draco whispered while quickly turning and walking into the castle beside me. Kissing my forehead.

"Your father is attending the last task? For what"? I whispered to Draco.

"Don't know darling... Don't know". Draco whispered.

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