||Chapter Thirty-One||

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I quickly walked through my dorm grabbing a blanket and other things while Draco sat on my bed reading my charms book.

"Why such a rush love"? Draco asked slowly placing my book on his lap watching me quickly walk around.

"Because I want to say good luck and talk to the champions before the task starts". I whispered while holding the blanket.

"You really think we're going to need a blanket"? Draco laughed while grabbing the blanket and my bag.

"This task can last for hours so I'm not going to leave for anything". I whispered while quickly zipping up my jacket.

"Are you ready now"? He asked while handing me my bag still holding the blanket.

"Yeah, I think so". I whispered while walking out of my dorm beside Draco.

"What's with the stuff? You're not camping outside the task"? Blaise laughed.

"That's precisely what I'm doing". I whispered while walking with him and Draco down the halls.

"You're dragging Draco to stay with you too"? Blaise laughed making Draco kick his leg.

"I hope not". I whispered while turning around to look at Draco.

"You dont have to stay with me". I whispered while trying to grab the blanket from his grasp.

"I'm not leaving you alone". Draco whispered still holding the blanket making me faintly smile.

"You guys are sick". Blaise whispered while walking past us down the hall. I walked beside Draco towards the tournament to see a big maze and hear a band play and a cheering crowd.

"Went all out didn't they". Draco whispered while kissing my cheek while walking past me up the steps.

"Guys"! Goyle and Crabbe yelled while running over to where I and Draco were setting up to see them holding multiple Slytherin flags.

"Thank you Goyle". I spoke happily while he handed me one of them. I sat down beside Draco looking through my bag. Dumbledore walks out leading the cheers and the band slowly goes silent. I quickly pulled my focus from looking through my bag up to Dumbledore.

"Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour"! Dumbledore spoke out having everybody cheer for the four of them.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner...I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands...Contestants, gather round"! Dumbledore spoke out leading the contestants to circle around him having all of us sit on the edge of our seats trying to hear. They all soon step back.

"Champions! Prepare yourselves"! Moody yelled out.

"I'm going to wish them good luck". I whispered to Draco while getting up quickly walking down the steps towards Harry engulfing him in a hug.

"Good luck Harry... You're going to step out of there no matter what". I whispered in his ear a tear falling down my cheek.

"Dont cry please". Harry whispered while wiping my tear with his thumb.

"Sorry". I whispered with a smile. He hugged me again.

"Contestants"! Moody yelled out. I stepped back from Harry smiling at him while walking up the stands to sit back down next to Draco.

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