||Chapter Fifty-Four||

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I sat beside Draco's bed holding his hand gently. The doors opened to see Snape walk in.

"Hello, professor". I whispered while looking at Draco.

"Miss Wyllt... Dumbledore wants to see you at the astronomy tower... Immediately". Snape spoke softly making me turn to look at him.

"I have to stay with him". I whispered while looking back at Draco.

"The words that you precisely spoke with to McGongall was "I would do anything for Harry... I would help Dumbledore against anything" am I correct"? Snape spoke softly making me slowly rise from my seat.

"Is it important"? I whispered while looking down at Draco a tear falling down my cheek then I quickly looked over at Snape... He looked like he wanted to tell me a million words but only one he could whisper.

"Horcrux". Snape whispered leading me to think to myself.

"You-Know-Who"? I questioned leading him to slowly nod. I nodded quickly while walking past him but then looked back at Draco.

"Thank you... For saving him". I whispered to Snape leading him to slowly nod. I quickly turned back and walked through the halls, having my hand in my pocket holding onto my wand while walking up the spiral astronomy tower steps.

"Who is that"? I heard Harry's question while I walked up the steps to see Harry and Dumbledore.

"Hello, Miss Wyllt". Dumbledore spoke softly while walking up to me hugging me gently.

"I don't believe we have ever spoken to each other. One on one... Since first year". I spoke softly with a smile while looking at him...

"Yes Miss Wyllt, Good memory...But you must forgive me I am only an old man". He whispered with a smile.

"You're not old professor". I whispered with a smile while turning to look at Harry.

"Been a couple of days hasn't it". He laughed while walking up to me engulfing me in a hug.

"You two have grown so much". Dumbledore spoke softly to us making us faintly smile.

"I'm sorry sir but I don't understand why you want me here of all witches". I whispered while looking toward him.

"You're a fierce witch Miss Wyllt You don't know it now but you are... And I know you would do everything in your power to help". Dumbledore spoke softly making me smile. I never knew he thought of me that way... I never thought of myself as a strong witch... Yes I told my parents I was strong so they could put trust in me to take care of myself but I never truly believed I was strong...

"The place to which we journey tonight is exceedingly dangerous". Dumbledore spoke softly while placing his hands on our shoulders.

"I promised that you could accompany me and I stand by that promise.. But there is a condition, You must obey any and every command I give you, without question". Dumbledore spoke softly making me look down.

"Yes sir". Harry spoke softly while I nodded slowly.

"Understand what I'm saying...Should I tell you to hide, you must hide.. Should I tell you to run, you will run. And should I tell you to abandon me and save yourselves-". He paused making me look up at him.

"You will do so". Dumbledore whispered leading me to hesitantly nod.

"Your word". Dumbledore whispered.

"My word". I and Harry whispered softly.

"Take my arm". Dumbledore spoke softly while holding out his arms. I and Harry both held onto an arm looking toward each other. Then I slowly closed my eyes to then hear the sound of loud crashes of water and a faint echo. I slowly opened my eyes to see the three of us in a cave. I began to slowly walk around having my hands graze over the rock walls.

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