||Chapter Fifty-Two||

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I walked beside Hermione down the halls silent.

"You alright"? Hermione asked while looking over at me. I placed a faint smile on my face while looking over at her.

"Yeah good". I whispered while looking over to see Lavender placing a necklace on Ron.

"Of course, I will wear it". Ron whispered while putting up a fake smile.

"Excuse me I need to go vomit". Hermione whispered. I watched her walk the other way leaving me alone in the crowded halls. I sighed to myself, then began to walk through the halls keeping my eyes ahead of me towards McGonagall's office. I slowly walked up to her office door and lightly knocked.

"Come in".. McGongall spoke softly. I slowly pushed the door open to see McGongall sitting at her desk. She slowly tilted her head upward shocked to see me.

"Miss Wyllt". She whispered while I slowly walked over to her desk taking a seat.

"I wanted to thank you personally for attending my mother's funeral". I whispered while looking down at my hands.

"Your mother was a good woman... And when I saw the letter in your handwriting.. I knew I had to attend". McGongall spoke softly.

"Well thank you.. Really". I whispered with a smile while getting up from the seat.

"I heard about your father training you... How well are you at... Defending against the dark forces". She asked while standing up from her seat.

"My father says I could be better than him". I laughed quietly while walking towards the door.

"Dumbledore-". She paused. The mention of his name made me turn to look at her.

"Dumbledore... Has been hosting private lessons with Harry... Looking back at You-Know-Who.. Trying to piece together certain... Things". She spoke quickly.

"Things"? I questioned.

"What I'm asking you to do is very dangerous.. I may have to convince Albus... But I truly think your one of the brightest witches of your time Miss Wyllt". McGongall spoke softly.

"Professor... I would do anything for Harry... I would help Dumbledore against anything... Even if what your asking me to do is dangerous... I want to help". I spoke softly while looking toward her.

"You may leave now". McGongall spoke softly. I nodded slowly while stepping out of her office closing the door behind me. I walked down the quiet hallways thinking to myself while the sky darkened. I glided my fingers along the walls while looking at my shadow while walking. I quickly looked in my bag to see Ron's potions book laying in it making me laugh quietly to myself. I quickly turned around and walked into a long hallway humming to myself. I stepped up to the Gryffindor common room door knocking on the door loudly while waiting. The door swung open to see Seamus tiredly holding onto the door.

"Y/n"? He spoke softly with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Hi Seamus.. I'm here to return Ron's potions book... It won't take long". I spoke softly while pulling out the book.

"Yeah sure". He whispered while stepping aside and letting me walk in. I looked around happily...

"He's just up those steps... Third door on the left". Seamus spoke softly while pointing up the boy's dormitory steps.

"Thank you". I spoke happily while walking up the steps and stopped at the right door knocking lightly. The door slowly pushed open while I knocked.

"Ron"? I spoke softly while looking around to see many chocolate wrappers along the floor. I turned my head to see Ron looking out the window while sitting on the ground.

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