Chapter Two

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I stumble through the busy hallways, trying to avoid any sort of physical contact with the students around me but failing miserably. I had no idea where Ally was. When I had woken up I immediately got dressed and went across the hall to knock on Ally's door but I only got silence back. I figured Ally would be at the library. The girl loved reading almost as much as she loved Waffle House and trust me, that was a lot.

I spot the sign that has 'Library' written across it in big bold letters. I smiled slightly at myself, proud that I haven't gotten lost. I was kind of known for my ability to get completely lost. I had no sense of direction.

Before I could even reach for the door of the library I felt something hook around my ankle. My eyes closed tightly as soon as I realized I was falling, holding my arms out in front of me to try to cushion my fall. I wince when I hit the floor loudly. My arms hurt like a bitch. Maybe flinging my arms out to try to save myself was the wrong move.

I sit up, looking up to see who had tripped me. A girl with blonde wavy hair, beautiful brown eyes and a crooked smirk stood there with Camila and Normani. Camila's jaw was dropped slightly in shock. I was in shock too to be honest. Sure, I've been teased, taunted and insulted but it has never turned into anything that could physically hurt me.

"Uh, I-I" Camila stuttered, looking at the girl who had tripped me. The blonde looked back at Camila in confusion which made Camila cough awkwardly, her face hardening. She focused her glare on me. "You deserved it, freak." Camila spat, lacking her usual bite.

"Dinah, leave her alone." I hear a raspy voice interrupt us. I look over to see a girl with jet black hair, bright green eyes and thick black rimmed glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose.

"Since when was there a little nerd squad and when did you suddenly grow some balls Jauregui?" The blonde, Dinah, smirked at the dark haired girl. Normani tugged on Dinah's hand and pulled Dinah away from us before anyone else could say something.

I let out a deep breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I had no clue who Dinah was but she was beautiful. I watched her retreating figure in awe. I have no idea what the hell was wrong with me. She just tripped me over just for the hell of it, probably looking for me to hurt myself in some sort of way, and I was basically fangirling over her.

I'm seriously messed up.

"Hey, I'm Lauren Jauregui. Please don't tell me you're like every other girl around here head over heels for the three girls. I mean, I don't expect you too because of what they just did but people just have a thing for them. It's so fucking frustrating." Lauren ranted, pushing her glasses further up when they start to slide down her nose.

I blushed and shook my head in denial.

"So, do you talk or are you naturally quiet?" Lauren asks curiously.

I shook my head once again hesitantly. Surprise washed over her face before she smiled brightly. I smile back a small smile, not knowing what she was really thinking about me.

"Y/N? Why are you on the floor?" Ally comes out of the library with a stack of books in her arms. "Was it Camila again? Since when does she start getting violent with you?" Her face was full of concern. I just haul myself off the floor and grab a few books out of Ally's arms to help her out.

"It was Dinah, Normani and Camila. Dinah tripped her when she was about to go into the library." Lauren explained to Ally.

"Well, thanks for helping out Y/N. I'm Ally by the way." Ally introduced herself.

"I'm Lauren." Lauren grabbed some books from Ally's arms too. "Let me help. I have no where else to be right now anyway."

"Thanks." Ally blushed slightly. I smirk.

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