Chapter Four

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I practically ran up four flights of stairs in excitement, throwing down my bag in front of my dorm door before furiously knocking on Ally's door. No response. Really? This girl is always out these days. I waited a few moments to see if Tori would answer but I had no luck. I groaned internally and made my way down the hall to Lauren's dorm room. I knock softly, bouncing on my heels. Dinah opens the door in confusion.

"What's up loser?" She smirks, arms crossed over her chest. I shrugged, looking down in frustration because I couldn't speak to her. "Geez Y/N, no need to get all hulk. Lauren isn't here if that's why you're here."

Oh. Where were they then?

I nod in confusion, lost in my thoughts. I turn around to walk back to my dorm when I'm stopped by Dinah turning me back around by my wrist. I give her a questioning look. I swear to Jesus Ally Brooke Christ that she looked nervous as fuck. Why? I have no clue.

"I c-could let Lauren k-know you stopped by?" She stuttered.

I nod slowly, pulling my wrist out of her grasp before slowly backing away. It looked like she wanted to say something else but in the end she just slammed the door shut.

Okay then..

I walk back to my dorm and pick up my bag from in front of the door. I hear a door open, hitting the back of the wall loudly. I turn around to see Dinah standing in her doorway again with her eyes locked on me.

"Do you want to hang out with me while your nerd squad ditches you?" Dinah asks

I ignore her last comment about the nerd squad but nod anyway, walking towards her hesitantly.

When I walked into her room I could tell straight away what side was Lauren's and what side was Dinah's. Lauren's side was neat and there wasn't anything out of place except the random pack of gum sitting in the middle of her bed. Dinah's side was messy as hell. Some of her blankets have fallen off her bed and onto the floor and there was clothes everywhere. I scrunch up my nose slightly and go over to sit on Lauren's bed. At least this is... clean?

"Quit judging my room." Dinah chuckled and sat down next to me. "Get your notepad and pen out. I saw you writing on it in class so I know you have it with you." She ordered.

I nodded and grabbed them.

We sat there for about five minutes in silence just looking at each other curiously, trying to see who would make the first move. I honestly have no idea why she was talking to me right now but I wasn't going to stop this. I had this sudden interest with Dinah ever since I laid eyes on her which is weird because she was a bitch to me when I first met her. Not being able to handle the silence, I wrote on the notepad slowly.

Why did you want to hang out with me? I clearly remember your words. You wouldn't be caught dead with me. What's changed?

"Nothings changed. No ones gonna catch me hanging out with you, well no one important." Dinah shrugged. "Oh, I forgot to tell you something."


"Apparently I'm tutoring you. Your dad organized something because he realized how stupid you are."

I clenched my fist up tightly in anger. I fucking hated it when people called me stupid. Sure, I thought I was sometimes but when I hear people say it about me it hurts like a bitch.

I'm not stupid. I just struggle with some of the work. My dad doesn't know shit about me so don't believe everything you hear.

"Shit, sorry." Dinah held her hands up in mock surrender. "I'm guessing you and your dad aren't that close. Camila told me he likes her better than you because you can't talk. He told her that." She uttered.

I felt my heart sink at that. Did he really say that to Camila? I mean, yeah, I don't doubt it one bit because I was pretty fucking useless but it being confirmed was a whole different feeling. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and bit my lip to try to stop myself from crying.

Don't do it. Don't cry in front of her.

I took a shaky breath and sniffled a bit.

I thought you wanted to hang out, not make me feel like this. If I wanted to feel like this I would've just talked to Camila.

I stood up and walked towards the door but she grabbed my wrist for the second time today and pulled me back over towards her. She stood up and wiped the tears from my face that I didn't even know had fallen.

"I'm sorry. I'm not good at this. I have no filter. I didn't mean to say that." Dinah apologized. She looked like she was actually sorry.

It looked like she cared.

This girl is really messing with my feelings.

I pushed her away from me softly before walking towards the door again. She didn't stop me this time thankfully. All I wanted to do was to go home. Not to my dorm room, not to my dad's house but to my actual home.

I throw my bag onto my bed and flopped down next to it. I kicked off my shoes and crawled under the blankets. I was about to take a much needed nap when the door burst open and Ally stormed into the room. She closed the door behind her and crawled under the covers with me, cuddling up to me immediately.

"Normani's not here." I state the obvious, letting her know I can actually talk out loud. She nods against my chest. "Where were you? I couldn't find Tori and Lauren either." I feel myself pout slightly.

"Tori got kept back by her teacher after class so Lauren and I decided to wait for her. Lauren and I thought you were in Tori's last class but obviously not."

"Obviously." I chuckled weakly. "Anyway, I wanted to tell you that apparently my dad called the school and made some arrangements to get me a tutor."

"Really?" Ally looked up at me in disbelief.


"Maybe your mum called him and told him to do it because I doubt that he would organize this by himself. He's pretty useless at this parenting stuff."

I shrug and nod in agreement. Her eyes widened when she takes in my red eyes. She sits up quickly and grabs my face in her hands. "You're either high or you've been crying. I'm guessing it's the second option. What happened baby girl?" Ally asked in concern, kissing both my cheeks where there was dried up tear stains.

"I hung out with Dinah." I stated simply. Ally's face changed from concern to angry.

"Did she hurt you again? I swear I-"

"No! Well, not physically."

"What did she say?"

"Nothing Als." I look down, not wanting to explain what happened. I hear her sigh before I'm pulled into her arms.

"I love you." She says as she kisses my forehead.

"I love you too AllyCat." I smile tiredly before falling asleep in her warm embrace.


Hey! I know it's a pretty short and crappy chapter but I just wanted to add in some stuff about the relationship with 'your' dad in this. He is a clueless douche dick in this if you haven't already figured this out haha Vote, comment and give me some ideas or opinions! Oh and I'm thinking about the next chapter being in Dinah's P.O.V.. Maybe?

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