Chapter Eight

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"You know you can't avoid Ally forever, right?" Lauren sighs while hoisting me up onto the bathroom counter. "You're lucky I'm helping you out. Ally would've started chanting some random religious thing to send Camila to hell if she saw this bruise." She chuckled to herself. She takes off the hood of my hoodie before putting her finger under my chin to lift my head up. She studied it for a few seconds and then let go. "She sure got a good punch in."

"Shut up Jauregui. This is nothing to be proud of. If I wasn't Camila's best friend I would've kicked her ass by now." Dinah interrupted, pushing Lauren away from me and stood between my legs with her make up bag.

"You were the one who tripped her over onto her face when you first met her. Who helped her out? Oh, that's right! It was me." Lauren reminds the beautiful taller girl.

Dinah rolls her eyes and throws a make up brush at Lauren.

"I doubt Ally would do any harm to Camila even if she does find out. The girl won't even curse." Dinah shrugs. I giggle internally and start writing.

Ally once knocked a girl's tooth out because the girl broke Ally's cross necklace. She made me roll down a hill to get the necklace since the girl threw it. I got in trouble for all the grass stains on my clothes. My parents don't trust me wearing white clothes anymore.

"Okay, Mila probably should start running now." Dinah laughed loudly. My stomach filled with butterflies at the sound of her adorable laugh.

The bell rings through the bathroom signalling the start of our last class. Lauren's eyes widened as she pushed her glasses further up her nose. She was such a cute little nerd.

"Hurry up Hansen. I don't want to be late for class." Lauren nudged Dinah slightly.

"Get to class Jauregui. I'll finish this." Dinah started putting some make up over my bruise.

"Fine. Nothing better happen while I'm gone." Lauren glared at Dinah before kissing me on the cheek and running out of the bathroom.

Dinah's touch on my face slowed down when Lauren left the bathroom so I looked up only to find her staring at me with dark eyes. I reach up and pull her hand away from my face.

Is it done?

She looked disappointed when she read my note but nodded anyway. She helped me off the counter and checked my face one more time before stepping away from me.

"Lets get you to class."

We both walk out into the hall. Everyone was still rushing around to get to their classes. I back up a bit when I see Lauren and Ally. Lauren looked like she was panicking slightly because she was late. She kept checking the time on her phone. She pointed in our direction making me roll my eyes.

"Oh no, the beast is coming." Dinah muttered under her breath. I just open my notepad onto a new page, knowing that Ally was going to ask why I had been avoiding her all day.

"Y/N! W-" She quickly stopped when I was shoved roughly into the wall behind me.

"I thought I told you to stay away from my friends? I regret that I hit you yesterday but it still doesn't change the fact that I told you to fuck off." Camila whispered angrily in my ear so that no one could hear.

"Mila! What the fuck!" Dinah pulls Camila off me with anger written all over her face.

"Y/N... is that make up?" Ally questions me cautiously.

I wince when she touches my bruise. How did she know? I shook my head in denial.

"Dinah isn't the same colour skin tone as you Y/N, don't lie to me." She warns me sternly. "Who did this?"

I nod towards Camila nervously.

"You little son o-" Ally started charging towards Camila but Dinah quickly grabbed her and put a hand over her mouth to stop her from finishing her sentence.

"Calm down short stack." Dinah giggled.

"No, she hurt Y/N." Ally tears up.

"It was one freaking punch. It's not the end of the world. You can pray to the holy Jesus that your precious Y/N is alright." Camila says sarcastically.

"Hoi." Dinah groans. Ally fights her grip, wanting to punch the smirk off Camila's face right now.

"Dinah, stop talking to the fucking freaks. What has been going on with you these past days?"

"Nothing has been going on. Go to class." Dinah ordered firmly.


"No, fucking get to class Camila."

Camila looked like a puppy that was in trouble. She glared at me one more time before walking away, sulking.

"Baby girl, are you okay?" Ally rushes towards me and pulling me into her little arms.

I peel her off me and nod with a weak smile.

I looked over to see that Dinah had disappeared.


Ally pulled me back into the bathroom, locking the door behind us and checking if anyone was in the stalls.

"Okay, talk. What happened with Camila to make her leave a bruise on you?" Ally asked me in disbelief.

"I have no clue. I came out of the library yesterday with Dinah and she attacked me. I'm meant to stay away from Dinah and Normani but I guess that didn't work out too well."

"I don't know why you're even talking to Camila's friends in the first place. Yeah, I get that you are kind of forced to talk to Normani but Dinah? You can avoid her all you want." Ally pointed out like it was simple.

It's never that simple.

"Ally, you don't understand."

What did she want me to say? That I've got a huge thing for Dinah so I can't stay away? That I really want to kiss Dinah but I'll just be another kiss to her and in a way I don't mind? That even though I will get fucking used, I'm okay with that because it's Dinah? No, that won't turn out well.

"I just don't want you getting hurt." Ally said barely above a whisper.

"I won't. I'm finally trying to move on from my past. I don't know how well it's working but I'm trying."

Ally sighed in defeat, putting her hands up in mock surrender.

"Fine. As long as you're happy but as soon as something like this happens again I am going to have to fight Camila." Ally said seriously causing me to laugh loudly.


Sorry for the short chapter! It's exams next week so I'm trying to fit in some studying. Comment, vote and tell me what you want to see in this story! Your comments actually give me even more ideas for the story so if you want something to happen, comment and it might happen haha and all your comments and votes make me so freaking happy so thank you so much! Oh and don't be scared to message me about anything about this story or even just to chat! xx

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