Chapter Seven

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Your P.O.V

I dropped my textbooks down onto the table. Dinah jumped in shock, not hearing me come into the library. I sat down, pulling out everything that I needed. She looked at me cautiously as if she was trying to work out what I was thinking right now.

"I didn't know that you would have a panic attack. Normani nearly threw me out of the dorm window when she was lecturing me about it." Dinah chuckled weakly, rubbing her hand nervously on her thigh.

It's alright. I didn't expect it either. I guess you just made me nervous.

Dinah bit her lip when she was reading. Her brown eyes swept over the words a few times.


I nod with a small smile. She looked at me curiously, her head tilting to the side slightly.


I shrug while looking down. I fidgeted nervously with my fingers.

"Come on, enough freedom. Lets get some maths into your system." Dinah lightens up the mood when she realized she wasn't going to get an answer.

Lets not.

I pout to add effect. I really didn't want to do any work. I could already feel my head exploding with numbers and letters. Who the fuck was the little shit that wanted to add letters into maths? It was already hard enough without them.

"No, lets do this. I'm going to get a big lecture from the principal if I don't do a good job at this." She chuckled, poking my bottom lip with a cute giggle.

I sigh in defeat and nod.

We work for a little bit with me not understanding anything and Dinah getting increasingly frustrated. We were rudely interrupted by a girl coming up to our table, placing herself on Dinah's lap. It grabbed a few people's attention. I felt myself shrink back into my seat because of the stares.

Dinah looked pissed off at first until she noticed that people were staring. My eyes widened when Dinah pulls the girl closer to her and whispers something in her ear to make her giggle. I clenched my jaw and turned away, packing up my things.

I was about to stand up but Dinah's hand on my wrist stopped me. I looked at her and found that she was pushing the girl off her softly. I put my stuff back on the table hesitantly. I looked down at my wrist. She blushed and quickly removed her hand.

"Where were you heading off too so fast? We're not finished here." Dinah asked sternly with a playful smile on her face. I unpack my things again.

You seemed a bit preoccupied. I didn't want to disturb you guys. I thought we were finished.

"Well we're not."

I grabbed my phone out when it buzzed. It was Ally.

From: AllyCat

Hey sweetheart! We're having movie night in Lauren's room later so feel free to join but if not, let me know and I'll stop by to say goodnight xx

To: AllyCat

I'll see what time I'm finished with my tutoring. We're watching Guardians of the Galaxy if I end up going! I'll talk to you later babe, bye! xx

I pocketed my phone before going back to work.


Camila's P.O.V

I was walking back to my dorm room after dinner when I spot Dinah and Y/N come out of the library. Dinah had to take up some stupid tutoring job and it just happens to be Y/N that she has to tutor. I roll my eyes when Dinah gives Y/N a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the stunned girl.

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