Chapter Fourteen

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Your P.O.V

I tap my fingers impatiently on top of my desk waiting for Dinah to come back. How long does it take? It shouldn't take a whole class especially since Stella is... was a virgin, right?

Damn my clueless virgin mind.

"Please pay attention Y/N." My teacher scolded me.

I jumped slighlty, not expecting his voice to interrupt my impaitentness.

I looked up at the clock on the wall.

Two minutes left.


Well, I guess it does take a while.

I don't even know if I really want to see Dinah right now since the thought of her with someone else is killing me. Am I meant to feel like this? I have never felt this way towards anyone before.

The bell rings loudly causing me to quickly pack up my stuff and rush out of the classroom. I stop dead in my tracks when I spot Dinah down the hallway talking to Camila. I walk over to them cautiously.

"Finally, you're back in the game DJ. I was getting worried for a bit. I still honestly don't know how you manage to get all these girls but it seems like you got some sort of talent." Camila giggled while fist bumping Dinah. Dinah smirked proudly, accepting the praise.

"She was a screamer." Dinah bragged.

"I don't doubt that one bit. Just wait until all her little freshman friends find out. They will be at your dorm begging for you to fuck them."

"Can't wait."

Geez, she was acting like a jerk.

Fuck boy Dinah Jane alert.

When Dinah finally noticed me her smirk dropped and it was replaced by a real smile. Camila rolled her eyes at us, pushing past me roughly but I just ignore her. Dinah held out her hand for me to take but I just sent her a polite smile and started to walk to my class. Her smile faltered slightly but I just kept walking.

I roll my eyes when I hear her jog after me, turning up next to me with a sheepish expression.

"Hey, I came back from the dorms to walk you to your next class." She confessed cutely. There goes the butterflies exploding in my stomach. Dinah cleared her throat awkwardly. "Uh, about that whole Stella thing and my talk with Mila. I don't want you to think of me as that Dinah Jane. I know I seem bad but come on, we just became friends. Let's not wreck this." Dinah chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood as she nudged me softly.


Yup, that is definitely the last thing on my mind when I think of the beautiful Polynesian girl.

"Plus," She continued, "It's not like I'm going to talk to Stella ever again. She got what she wanted." She shrugged.

SHUT UP. This isn't helping at all.

I try to focus on not listening to her talk about her player ways. I don't want to get my heart broken but I can't help but feel like I'm setting myself up for the broken heart. I can't seem to make myself like the idea of stopping it either.

"I'll see you sometime after class." Dinah kissed my cheek before ushering me into the class. She starts to walk away, immediately being joined by two girls.


I sat on the floor of my dorm room with my legs out in front of me. I watched as Ally danced and sung around my room to the music that I was blaring through my speaker.

"A-A-Al." I stuttered out as best as I could.

"Yeah?" She stopped and looked at me.

"D-D-" I take a deep breath before trying again. "Dance with me?" I ask barely above a whisper, a goofy smile making its way onto my face.

A smile lit up Ally's face that looked like my own personal sunshine in my room. I'm surprised she even heard me through the loud music.

"You didn't even have to ask Y/N." Ally chuckled while pulling me up off the floor before twirling me around. " I'm still the same best friend as you've always had." She stated softly.

We weren't even dancing very much. It was just swaying and holding hands between us with Ally twirling me around every now and then.

Just like old times.

We used to always do this when I was stressed out or anxious.

"Trust me. You know I would never hurt you purposely." Ally said sincerely, letting go of one of my hands and wiping away a tear off my cheek that I didn't even notice had fallen.

I nod and giggle a little.

"Okay, enough emotional talk." Ally giggles along with me.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" I could hear Dinah yell from down the hall. Footsteps made loud thudding sounds before the door was swung open. Normani literally fell into the room and onto the ground while Dinah jumped over the fallen girl.

"Girl, can you not hear Beyonće playing? Stop with that sappy thing you have going on and twerk that little ass of yours." Normani shouted as she hauled herself up off the floor.

Dinah made her way over to Ally and I. She looked between the two of us before pulling apart our hands and replaced Ally's hand with hers. Ally glared at the taller girl but it honestly looked like a five year trying to glare at an adult. It was a funny sight to witness.

Normani was off in her own little world dancing and singing to her idol. I couldn't help but smile slightly when I spot Camila leaning against the doorway with a small smile on her face. Her glare is definitely a dull comparison to her smile.

I pull my hand away from Dinah's, trying to distance myself away from her and sat back down on the floor where I was originally sitting. I sigh in defeat when Dinah was quick to follow me, sitting down next to me and grabbing my hand once again.

As much as I want to distance myself from the gorgeous girl, I know it's going to be damn hard.


Sorry if this is a bad chapter! I just wrote it up quickly. I thought I should post something because DINAH IS FREAKING EIGHTEEN. My baby girl needs to stop growing up! Anyways, vote, comment and tell me what you want to see in the story?

Question time?

Would you rather go to a Beyonće concert with Dinah or a Lana Del Rey concert with Lauren?

I'm just curious as fuck, don't mind me haha xx

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