Chapter Twenty Two

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Dinah's P.O.V

I wipe my hands nervously on my tight jeans. Normani giggled at my nervousness before hitting me lightly on the back of my head to warn me to stop moving.

"Quit moving or else you'll look like a goth who stood in the rain." She scolded me, threateningly poking the eyeliner an inch away from my eyeball.

"Hoi. You do that and I will personally shove it up your ass." I smile sweetly at her. She just rolls her eyes at me.

"Do you think Y/N will like the date?" Camila questions no one in particular with a dreamy look in her eyes, her face squished against the carpet where she was laying down.

I chuckle lightly when I hear Normani mutter the word incest under her breath. She seems pretty convinced about it.

"Of course she will like that date." I grumble, trying to convince myself.

"That's right. Y/N and Dinah are made for each other so that automatically means that Y/N is forced to say it went great even if it went horrible." Normani stated with a matter-of-fact tone.

I blush and glare at Normani causing her to smirk. Camila hauled herself up into a sitting position before typing furiously on her phone. I watch her suspiciously.

"What are you doing Mila?" I narrow my eyes on her.

"I'm just texting Y/N." She giggles happily with a mischievous smirk. Her giggles were cut short a few seconds later and a pout graced her face. "Never mind. Lauren texted me on Y/N's number telling me to shut up or else she'll throw me out the window. That girl has far too much aggression stored up in her."

"Stop talking and go find Dinah an outfit. Please don't pick out something that you would wear. Dinah isn't going to wear a banana suit to her date." Normani orders to clearly rejected girl.

Camila glared at her but did as she was told, walking towards my cupboard.

"Okay, let's make this thing look better." Normani gestures towards my face.


"Originally I was going to take you to a beach to have this picnic but then I remembered the last time we went to a beach. That didn't end out so well so here we are." I ramble, placing down the blanket that I brought with us.

"Thanks." She nods in appreciation before sitting down on the blanket with me following her lead quickly after.

I rummage through the bag, pulling out each thing that Normani packed for me. I rolled my eyes and groaned when I pull out a plate of chicken wings. Seriously?

"Chicken wings?" Y/N bursts out laughing, grabbing the plate off me and taking the glad wrap off the plate.

"Yeah. This is what I get when I ask Normani to help me out." I groan.

"It's okay, it's perfect." She shrugs.

"This is only some snacks anyway. We are getting some proper food after this but I wanted to get you alone." I explain. Her eyes widened at my words. Whoops. "I mean, not in a creepy way!"

"Sure." She says sarcastically with a smirk plastering her face.

"Eat up." I change the subject while I grab some grapes and munch on them.

About an hour later we were finished eating and were just looking at the colorful sky. We had talked about everything and nothing. It was just a simple date, nothing too big but she didn't seem like a fancy date girl anyway. She seemed totally content right now in this lame little park.

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