Chapter Twenty Five

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Dinah's P.O.V

Normani and Camila snicker quietly to themselves as they watch Ally and Lauren across the table stuttering over their words cutely. Seeing the usual tough Lauren being so flustered around the little vertically challenged girl was a funny sight to witness.

"Where's Y/N? We need her here to stop her friends from drooling all over each other." Camila asked, giggling slightly.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since this morning." I shrug. She had missed lunch and now she's missing dinner.

"How can these nerds have a better love life than me? I'm hot, aren't I? I don't ask for much. If you give me chicken wings and all of the Beyonće albums then I'm all yours." Normani whines while pulling out her phone and snapping a few pictures of the blushing girls.

"So creepy." I mutter, shaking my head at the whiny girl.

"Come on moany. Let's go find Y/N." Camila tugs Normani away from the table, leaving me with the other two.

"Uh, so..." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. The two just stare at me blankly. "How are you liking the weather these days?"

"The weather? I don't even go out of the building unless I'm forced too. It's called procrastination." Lauren states with a bored expression.

"I think you mean hibernation. You're part animal, aren't you?" I smirk.

"You little b-"

"Dinah Jane!" A familiar voice cut Lauren off mid sentence. I look up to find Demi walking over cheerily, placing her tray next to mine before sitting next to me in Y/N's usual chair.

"Yes?" I question the girl, internally rolling my eyes. It's not that I don't like her, trust me she's a good hook up, but right now she's sitting in my girl's seat.

"So, I've heard about the little relationship that you have. You do know that a lot of girls are upset, right? They're upset that some random mute claimed you." My jaw clenched at her words. Some random mute? She has a name. Why would I give a fuck that any of the girls are upset? I don't know them and plus, I'm perfectly content with Y/N. I feel Demi lean in closer, her lips brushing my ear. "I'm upset too. I miss our hook ups."

"Dinah." Lauren's stern voice immediately causes Demi to move back.

I glance at the girls across from me, only to be met with intense glares.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and was pleasantly surprised to find Y/N standing there with a small smile on her face.

"Hey babe. Did Normani and Camila find you?" I question while standing up and pecking her on the lips.

She shook her head. Where'd they go then? They better be keeping it in their pants.

"Y/N needs to talk to you." Tori blurts out from behind the silent girl. I furrow my brows in confusion but nod anyway.

Y/N leads me out into the closest empty classroom.

As soon as she locked the door, she pushes me up against the wall roughly and connected our lips into an intense kiss. She quickly shoved her tongue in my mouth, her hands pushing up my shirt eagerly.

Y/N planted sloppy kisses down my neck, unbuttoning my jeans desperately.

"Wh-, are you angry cause Demi was hitting on me?" I gasp out as she sinks to her knees in front of me, pulling down my jeans along with my panties. I kick them off before looking down at her.

"No." She growls, biting down on my inner thigh causes me to hiss in pain.

I tangle my fingers in Y/N's hair and guide her towards my center in which she eagerly complies. I moan loudly as soon as she flicks her tongue out, latching onto my clit.

Silent Disaster (You/Dinah)Where stories live. Discover now