Chapter Twenty One

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Your P.O.V

I panted heavily, pushing Dinah's wandering hands away slightly as she moved her kisses down to my neck. She moved further on top of me and bit my neck harshly causing me to gasp. I felt her hands slide up my shirt which quickly caught my attention. I was fast to remove them from underneath my shirt. She let out a disapproving grunt before returning back to my lips. I moaned softly when her tongue found it's way into my mouth, battling with my tongue for dominance.

I felt her hands travelling down under my back and slowly sliding down to grab my ass, squeezing.

"Dinah!" I gasp, pulling away from the kiss and sent her a warning look.

"Sorry baby." She chuckled, rolling her eyes and held up her hands in mock surrender.

I giggle at her which causes her to smile brightly and lean back in to kiss me.

We continued to kiss until I felt her warm hands slide up my shirt again, scratching her nails lightly on my skin before stopping just below my boobs. I pull away from the kiss and pull her hands away once again. She sighed loudly, rolling off me so that she was sitting at the edge of the bed and ran her hand through her messy blonde hair in frustration.

"Sorry." Dinah mutters. I shrug and pull her back over to me to cuddle. "I'm not used to this." She confessed quietly.

"To what?" I question in confusion, laying my head on her chest as she strokes her fingers through my hair.

"To not getting laid. It's only been a week and I swear my ovaries are bursting."

I frown and sat up.

"I swear that is all you think about." I scoff.

"Relax Y/N. I know you're not ready or whatever you call blue balling these days." Dinah rolled her eyes, sitting up too.

"You're still such a jerk." I chuckle lightly.

"I know." She shrugs carelessly.

"Guys!" I suddenly hear Normani's voice on the other side of the door before a loud knocking was heard. "I'm coming in so y'all better not be nude. I don't want to see boobs all up in my face. Not today Satan."

Dinah groans, pulling me into her lap and wrapping her arms around my waist before telling Normani that it was safe to come in.

Normani stormed in with a smirk while Camila followed behind with a quirked eyebrow. I swear these two are too invested in my love life...if you can even call it that.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't try to get it on with my sister when I'm in the room." Camila crossed her arms over her chest. I looked down to see Dinah's hand, that I didn't notice, trailing up my thigh.

I swat her hand away.

"My bad." She smirks and places a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Are you two dating?" Camila questions curiously, dangling her feet off the edge of the bed.

Dinah and I blushed furiously, averting our gazes from the two interested girls.

I shake my head quickly.

"Not yet." Dinah bit her lip.

"Yet?" Camila shot up at the words. "So it's going to happen eventually? Am I going to get a sister-in-law?"

"Hoi." Dinah whined, burying her face into my neck causing me to giggle unintentionally.

"Holy mother of a goat." Camila gasped, eyes as big as her love for pizza.

"Did that come from, like your voicebox?" Normani asked in awe, trying to touch my neck where my voicebox is but was quickly stopped by  Dinah's hand.

"Nah, it came out of her asshole." Dinah responded sarcastically, pulling me closer to her body.

Normani squealed happily, pulling me out of Dinah's arms and into hers. I wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck as spun me around.

"Okay, okay. Put my girl down." Dinah chuckled, pulling me out of Normani's arms.


"Hey Y/N." I jumped slightly at the voice, clutching at my chest to try to calm my racing heart. I glared at the familiar boy, scooting away from him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Jacob muttered, sitting down next to me.

I shrug it off, looking back over to where Dinah was playing basketball.

He scooted even closer to me, so close that I could smell his mint scented breath.

"You're a hard one to crack." He chuckles to himself.

I roll my eyes at him.

Dinah laughs loudly as Normani trips over Camila which causes me to smile adoringly at her. Her laugh slowly fades and her smile drops when she glances over to me.

"I saw you at my party. You looked so damn good." He smirked at me. I turned towards him with a questioning look, not really knowing why the fuck he was telling me this. Doesn't he get that I'm not interested in him?

Dinah whistles loudly to get my attention. Our eyes lock and she gestures me to go over to her. Normani and Camila were giggling as they stood behind Dinah, watching the jealous Tongan girl. I stand up like an obedient little puppy and start walking towards Dinah but I was quickly stopped when a hand on my wrist pulled me back, turning me around.

"Come on, just stay. I know you want me." He licks his lips.

"Well at least I know that if I want to kill myself I can climb up to your ego and jump to your IQ. She clearly doesn't want you." Dinah rips my arm out of his grip and wraps her arm around my waist possessively, pulling me closer to her body.

I hear Camila and Normani burst out laughing as Jacob's face goes from cocky to embarrassed.

"Come on pretty boy. You can pay attention to me instead of lesbians that you will never get because they're strictly into chicks. Do you know what I like? I like chicken wings, let's go buy me some." Normani smiles sweetly at the pale boy while trying to drag him with her but Dinah quickly grabbed the back of her shirt, pulling her back.

"We're finishing this basketball game. I haven't finished whooping your ass." Dinah giggled.

"Kinky." Camila mutters to herself.

"You're not wanted here. Bah Felicia." Dinah sasses at Jacob before kissing me to rub it into his face.

I couldn't stop the big smile on my face at the fact that Dinah actually kissed me out in public. Maybe she's actually considering not giving a shit about her reputation at all.


Hey! This is a bit of a filler chapter. Y/N is starting to become more comfortable with the other girls though. I really need y'all to tell me some more ideas and some things you want to see happen in this story! Comment and vote! xx

Question time:

If you could see into one member of Fifth Harmony's mind, who would it be and why?

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