Chapter Three

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I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling, drowning myself in my own thoughts while Normani sung quietly to her Beyonce music that was blasting through her headphones. I had to admit that the girl was a good singer. She sung constantly which I didn't really mind because the awkward silence that filled the room when she wasn't singing was hard to be around.

A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts. I sat up and glance over at Normani. She couldn't hear anything because of her headphones so I hesitantly slid off my bed and stood up.

I didn't know whether to open the door or to get Normani to do it. I know it wasn't Ally or Lauren because they were both at the cafe. I'm pretty sure Tori was in the library getting some books for tomorrows classes.

I roll my eyes at myself, I was being stupid. Just answer the damn door.

I walk over and fling it open. Dinah stood there with a smile but it quickly dropped when she saw me.


I step aside to let her walk into the room. She looked at me for a moment before brushing past me roughly and making her way over to Normani.

"Mani! Mani! Mani!" Dinah ruffles her best friend's hair. Normani glared at Dinah, shoving her away.

"Hey DJ." Normani greets the blonde while taking out her headphones.

"I need a favour." Dinah confesses, flopping down onto Normani's bed.

"What is it this time?" Normani sighed.

"I just need you to get my schedule from the office."

"Why can't you go down to the office yourself?"

"Because the student that is giving out our schedules is probably going to chop off my head. I kind of slept with her and then slept with her best friend the day after." Dinah shrugged sheepishly. I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

I close the door, slamming it a bit harder than I intended which made me jump slightly. Whoops. I look up to see Normani looking at me confused and Dinah glaring at me. I roll my eyes slightly and walk back over to my bed, getting under the covers and wrapping myself into a blanket burrito.

"Okay, I'll go get it because I still have to get mine too. Next time when I warn you not to try to get into her pants you have to listen to me because we could have avoided this. I'll be back in a few minutes." Normani huffed, pulling on her converse shoes before rushing out of the room.

Well this is awkward.

"Yo freak." Dinah suddenly spoke.

I look up at her questioningly. She threw over Normani's notepad and I quickly dodged the pen that followed. She walked over and sat down at the end of my bed. I sat up, shrugging the blankets off me and grabbing the things she threw at me.

"Why won't you talk?" She questions, her eyes full of curiosity.

I shakily wrote down an answer, passing the notepad to her.


"That's not a good answer Y/N." She whined. I was shocked that she even knew my name but then again Camila probably talked a lot of sit about me behind my back.

Well that's the only answer to the question you're going to get for now.

"For now? So you might tell me another time?"

Probably not. Why can't you just ask Camila?

"Camila has no clue why you can't talk. She told me that the only thing your dad had told her was that you were just not physically able to talk." She groaned slightly, getting impatient.

Well you have your answer. I just can't physically talk. Why would you care anyway? I hate to break it to you but acting like a total bitch towards me isn't going to make me want to hang out with you or tell you things.

I was shaking slightly when she read that, my anxiety slowly rising. Dinah looked at me glaring. Maybe calling her a bitch wasn't the best thing to do. She threw the notepad on the ground before standing up angrily. How can she still look so pretty when she's angry? What the fuck?

"Oh hell no dawg. I never said I wanted to hang out with you by the way so don't assume things. I wouldn't be caught dead with you." Dinah raised her voice which caused me to flinch.

"What the fuck is happening in there?" I hear someone mutter outside the door. The door swung open to reveal Normani with some papers in her hands. "Dinah? What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I was just leaving. Thanks." She replied shortly, grabbing her paper and leaving quickly.

Normani closed the door and picked up the notepad that Dinah threw on the ground. She looked through it and chuckled lightly, shaking her head.

"You called her a bitch?" She looked at me with a smirk. I nodded, my breathing picking up. Why the fuck was I so stupid? You don't go around saying them things to the most popular girl in school. "Hey, don't stress." Normani quickly came over to me when she noticed me panicking. "She just doesn't like when people stand up to her. No one does so she's not used to it. Don't worry, she'll get over it." She reassured me.

I smiled weakly and nodded.


I stumble through the door of the classroom. Everyone looked at me. I felt my face heating up from the eyes on me.

"It's nice of you to finally join us. Take a seat." The teacher said, faking a smile.

I sigh in relief when I see a spare seat next to Tori in the middle row. I quickly walk over, put my bag on the floor and sat down next to her.

"Hey Y/N, why'd you come to class so late?" Tori asked me when the teacher started writing on the board. I grabbed a pen out of my bag and my usual notepad.

Ally couldn't find her Bible this morning and she wouldn't leave her room without doing her morning prayer so I had to help her find it. It took us awhile.. and then she made me pray with her.

"Sounds like her." Tori laughed. I nodded in agreement and smiled a goofy smile.

We both turned towards the front of the class and tried paying attention. I clearly failed because I ended up spacing out for the rest of the class, ignoring all the scrunched up paper hitting my back. I knew it was Dinah and Camila. I could hear them giggle every time the paper got stuck in my hair. Tori was always there to pick out the little bits of paper with a frustrated sigh, glaring at the two behind us.

"Come on Y/N, I told Ally and Lauren that we're going to meet them for lunch." Tori pulled me out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang.

We walk to the cafeteria and take a seat at an empty table and watched as people started to slowly fill the room. My eyes followed Dinah's beautiful body as she walked into the room, taking a seat at a table near by. My eyes widened slightly when our eyes suddenly met. I felt like I was drowning in them brown eyes. She didn't look angry at me thankfully.

"Y/N, stop eye fucking Dinah." Tori giggled while snapping her fingers in front of my face. I blushed deeply and looked down at my hands.

"Hey guys!" Ally greeted us eagerly.

"What did you do to her Tori? She looks like a tomato." Lauren teases, pinching my cheeks playfully. I glare at her and swat her hands away.

"She was eye fucking someone." Tori said bluntly. I direct my glare towards her this time. "What? It's true." Tori said innocently.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Lauren asked smugly.

"Shut up you two, Y/N is to young for this!" Ally scolds the two other girls. I poke my tongue out at Lauren but she just returned it.

"She's a year younger then us and Tori is the same age as her, I think she has the right to eye fuck whoever she wants." Lauren giggles.

"Stop!" Ally whines.

I just cover my face with my hands.

This is the result of having weird as fuck friends.

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