Chapter Eleven

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Ally's smile drops when I stand up, grabbing all of my stuff. I watch how her whole mood changes and she starts running out of the water towards me. I roll my eyes at her before storming off.

I was so fucking angry at her right now. It was a mixture of hurt and anger filling up my body making it hard to think properly. I ignored Normani, Dinah and Ally's voices as they tried to stop me. How could Ally just forget about my past? She was there when it happened.

I wiped the hot tears off my face and just ran.

I stopped after awhile, panting as I looked over the rocks being hit with waves. I could see the others still but they looked like ants in the distance. I dropped my stuff on the rocks before sitting down, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around my legs securely. I sobbed harshly but the noises were drowned out by the crashing waves.

I sniffled loudly as memories flooded back into my mind.


I giggled loudly as I watched my older brother dance around stupidly in front of me. I wanted to go into the pool because it felt like I was melting like an ice cream. It was so hot. Coby was blocking my way so I had no choice but to watch him. My brother was only two years older than me. I was eight and he was ten.

"Y/N!" The small voice of my best friend caught my attention. Ally was a year older than me but we met at the start of last year at school. No one in her year level wanted to talk to the small and quirky girl but one day I had finally worked up the courage to go and talk to the lonely girl. We had been best friends ever since.

"Ally!" I squeal excitedly and hug her. When we pulled away from each other we both grin brightly.

"My ma told me that I can come over for some food."

"Yeah, my papa is cooking a Barbecue." I point at my dad standing at the Barbecue.

"He's not cooking a Barbecue, Y/N! He is cooking on it." Ally corrected me with a small giggle.

"I knew that." I state stubbornly.

"Ally, Y/N and Coby! The food is ready!" My dad calls us over. Ally and I rush over and smile a toothy smile. We must have looked ridiculous when we smiled because we were both missing a tooth at the front.

"You girls make sure you're careful by the pool. I don't want you to hurt yourselves." My mum warned us sternly as she swept Ally's hair out of her face and tied it up so Ally wouldn't get any hair in her food. "Your parents would kill me." She told Ally with a laugh.

"We'll be careful." Ally reassured my mum since I couldn't because of the food in my mouth.

"Coby, eat." My dad ordered Coby sternly as he handed the food to my brother who had a pout on his face.

He never ate much these days. He was always outside on his little 'adventures', too caught up in his own little world. I never knew what was going on in his head.

"Mama, I don't want to eat." Coby whined.

"Listen to your father. You have barely eaten anything today." My mum shrugged, passing him a knife and fork.

"Cobs, just eat so we can go back into the pool faster." I exclaimed eagerly.

About ten minutes later Ally and I finished eating. We sprint to the pool and jumped in straight away, paddling around with excited squeals. Ally and I look up startled when Coby shouts loudly while running towards the pool. He was going to do one of his infamous cannonballs. I rolled my eyes at him. He always showed off in front of Ally.

Boys and their cooties these days, always trying to pass it along to girls.

I look over at Ally when I hear her call my name frantically, her face was full of panic.

"Coby! Y/N!" I hear my mum screech before something crashed into me, shoving me underwater. I couldn't move. I let myself be flung to the bottom of the pool by the weight on top of me. My head collided with the concrete floor and everything went black.

*End of flashback*

After the incident I woke up in the hospital three days later. Coby was gone. It turned out that I was pulled out of the water first. Coby had hit his head too but they were too late. He drowned.

After about two weeks of me suddenly not speaking to anyone the doctors diagnosed me with selective mutism and minor traumatic mutism. They said that the main reason for my diagnosis was the separation anxiety between Coby and I. I couldn't deal with the loss properly and I don't think I ever did fully recover.

Ally was the only one who was really there for me throughout the years. I started talking to her again when I was nine. She was the only one who went out of their way to try to communicate with me, accepting my silence even though I knew that she thought she had lost her best friend for good. The day I started talking to her again was the happiest I had seen her since the incident.

"Y/N! I'm sorry. It completely slipped my mind. I shouldn't of asked you to come into the water. I know you don't swim anymore." Ally rushed up to where I was sitting.

I stood up, glaring at the shorter girl. I have never been mad at Ally before.

"Slipped your mind? Really? What kind of pathetic excuse is that? Even bringing me to the beach today to go into the water was just hurtful." I spat.

"You never told me you had a problem with today. Next time just speak up. Seriously Y/N, stop being so childish." Ally muttered out.

"Are you fucking serious Allyson? Speak up? You're always too busy with your new 'normal' friends these days." I shout. She flinched at my tone but stood her ground, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I have no clue what yo-"

"You told me when we first got here that if I needed you that you would just be across the hall. You're never there anymore. You're never with me anymore because you now have friends that can actually talk to you wherever you are. Do you know how much that kills me inside? I have no one here."

"Can you just calm down? Stop being so immature. I'm always there for you. I'm the only one here for you."

"If you were really here for me you would know that tomorrow is the day Coby had died. We always go out for lunch and then stay in eating ice cream out of the tub but no, we're at the beach with you trying to get me in the water. Tomorrow on his birthday I'm guessing we're not going to do our usual movie marathon of his favorite movies because let me guess, they are in the past and now you want to do new stuff?" I sob out, my voice cracking at the end.

She just stood there with her mouth agape and tears slowly falling down her cheeks.


"Save it." I told her harshly, picking up my stuff and walking away from her to go back to the school.

I really fucking hate it here.


There's Y/N's past and the drama that comes with it! Comment, vote and let me know what you want to see in this story! xx

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