Chaos within part 2

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As the Ghost was evading all the TIES that came to attack them, Ezra seemed to be distracted by a particular Imperial ship. He was staring at it as the Ghost passed right by it.

"Ezra whats wrong ?" Kanan asked yet again but he got his answer soon enough. A dark chill ran down his spine, giving him goosebumps. 

"A sith is near" The older Jedi thought "Should I really bring Ezra along with me ?"

But the Jedi's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar female voice "Boarding the star destoryer. Everyone to the ramp !" Hera said as she pointed at the door. The crew quickly nodded as they all ran towards the exit, including Ezra. Kanan was about to stop him but just as he was about to grab his shoulder, the Padawan had merely escaped his grasp. Kanan thought that it would be no use to try to stop him now, he will just have to keep a close eye on him.


The big piece of metal opened, revealing the inside of the star destoyer. There were already stormtroopers everywhere, waiting for the rebels to come out. The crew had already started jumping down from the ramp and shooting back at the troopers. Kanan grabbed Ezra's hand making him jump down with him. The Ghost was departing away, the plan being it will be back in 10 minutes to pick them up. The crew was now hiding behind a few crates, blaster shots were heard all around them. The two Jedi were using the same crate as cover with Kanan shooting back at the stormtroopers, then suddenly he stopped and turned to Ezra

"Here, something to defend yourself with. You know how to shoot ?" The older man offered Ezra his blaster.

"I'll figure it out" Ezra answered with a chuckle as Kanan nodded in confirmation. Suddenly the Older Jedi took the lightsaber that was hanging off his belt, getting up from behind the crate and activating his blue blade. The Padawan was in awe at the sight, it was truely magnificent.

Kanan started to run towards the troopers, taking them out in just a few swift slashes "Come on we gotta destory this ship !!" 

The crew nodded as they all cam running towards Kanan and togather they continued to venture inside the ship.


The twi lek was joining in on the defense against the imperial ships, securing safe passage for the citizens that were passing through. As she was shooting, flying around and making many sharp turns in the corner of her eye she noticed quite a peculiar imperial ship. She stopped to look at it, feeling a dark energy coming from it. In a state of panic Hera decided to inform Kanan about it but just as she was about to do so, the signal became jammed "Spectre 1, do you hear me ?? Spectre 1 ??" But it was to no use. There was no way to contact the rest of the crew, all Hera could do is hope they would be okay and that ship she saw was just a regular one.


They were running through the halls, trying to find a way to the operating room so they can sabotage the ship. Stormtroopers crossed their way a lot but they were no match for a Jedi. Very soon they navigated through the space and eventually found the operating room. It was a room full of computers, monitors and so on. Kanan quickly pushed the imperial staff aside, making them unconcious as sabine started working on sabotaging the destoryer.

"Kanan there are a bunch of stormtroopers heading our way" Ezra sensed their presance approaching

"Sabine could you possibly hurry it up" Kanan added as he held this lightsaber tightly

"Almost there..almost there"The young woman said as she broke apart wires and set bombs inside the computers "Done !" She suddenly exclaimed

The group was relieved as they got ready to go back to the landing platform where Hera would pick them up. As they exited the operating room, a group of stormtroopers blocked their way

"It would be wise if you surrendered now" One of the commanders of the stormtroopers sadi "You have no idea what else is in store for you"

Kanan shivered at that comment, fearing the worst but before he could answer Sabine had already started fighting back along with Zeb

"Kanan we need an opening !"But before the older man could snap back into reality, a sudden wav of energy went through them and before they knew it all of the stormtroopers were pushed back and clearly wounded on the ground. Kanan turned his gaz behind him, he saw Ezra looking directly at the stormtrooper's direction....with his eyes glowing a bright blue colour

"Ezra...?" Kanan said as he tried to reach his Padawan but Sabine did it before him "Nice work kid !" As she did Ezra's eyes seemed to return to normal in an instant as he smiled at the girl.

"We have no time to waste, let's go !" Zeb said as he encouraged the group to start moving. Despite Still being a bit puzzled Kanan went along with the rest as they ran to the landing platform where Hera was waiting for them.


The crew soon realised that they had come a few minutes early but they knew Hera would be on her way soon. They sealed the door shut so no trooper could get it.

"Spectre 2, we are at the landing platform" Kanan said to his com link "...Spectre 2 ?"

There was no female voice on the other end, only a buzzing noise that seemed to be becoming louder and louder for some strange reason...

"Turn it off Kanan its way too loud !" Sabine said while covering her ears

But suddenly Ezra turned to the doors of the landing platform in a swift move as he yelled "TAKE COVER !!"

Panicked, the crew jumped behind some metal crates before the entrance blew up in fire and smoke. Suddenly a lot of clashing footsteps could be heard, stormtrooper footsteps, but that was the least of their worries. Ezra felt his breath stop when he felt an all too familiar energy enter the room, it was dark, ominous and scary making even non force sensetive people shiver in fear. Kanan's fear had been realised as he looked through the thick smoke, he could see a dark cloaked figure step out of it. A sith, Darth Vader.

A mechanical breathing coming from the dark force user was echoing through the room as he activated his red lightsaber. Kanan in a hurry picked up his com link again, trying to contact the twi lek "Hera ! Hera we need a pick up NOW !!" but that same buzzing sound of jammed communications was the only response the older Jedi got. In a panic, Kanan turned to Ezra to check on him and the youngster was not doing good whatsoever. He held his hands over his ears, almost as if trying to block out loud noises. But then suddenly, he spoke 

"Run, you have to run" Ezra said in a dark tone and at the same time heavy metalic footsteps started approaching the crates where the crew was. Kanan instinctively got up, activating his lightsaber and standing face to face with the sith.

"How interesting" Darth Vader spoke, looking at the older Jedi

In that moment, Ezra got up yelling "Kanan no !"

Darth Vader's gaze immedietely shifted to the teen as Ezra continued "You can't fight him ! We need to run !"  Kanan looked at the younger boy's panicked face, he knew that the teen was right but Hera was still no where in sight. He had to protect the crew, he had to protect his Padawan.

"You think you can escape me Project 99 ?" The soth spoke in a dark voice, making the crew face directly at him 

"Your parents sacrificed their lives to protect you, will these people have to die for you too ?" Vader spoke "So spare their lives and come here"

Ezra felt panic rising in his chest, that same feeling of hopelessnes he felt when he lost his parents came creeping back. Wait..lost them..? What was Vader talking about ?

"My..My parents where are they ?? What happened to them ?!" The young boy yelled at the dark figure as the sith answered "You dont know? They died while trying to hide you away."

After a few seconds of processing what he had just heard, Ezra felt like the entire world just crashed down on him, his parents...they were really..dead ? 

In response to this situation, Kanan lept towards Vader and soon the clashing of lightsabers could be heard all around the platform, The Jedi and the sith had started fighting. 

Ezra was still in shock, he didn't know what to think. His parents died because they were trying to protect him...he will never see them again. That seemed to create a feeling of emptiness inside the youth's heart. He was all alone, he caused trouble wherever he went, what on earth was he supposed to do now..?

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