What is Salvation?

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Tw mentions of suicide!

There at that god forsaken landing platform, Ezra received the news, the words he never wanted to hear. His parents were dead, the people who protected him their entire lives, the peope who loved him more than anything, the ones who gave him hope in moments when he felt like an an unwanted burden in this universe...They were gone, forever. The teen crumbled to his knees and tears stained his majestic blue eyes, making them sparkle from the lighting in the landing platform. He let out a choked sob as he tried to soothe himself by putting his arms around his body. This was all his fault, his parents , they were dead because of him! Ezra wished he was never born, why did he have to live? It was pointless, a burden and most of all cursed. His existance was cursed, that must be what it is. He was a god forsaken cursed child. 

As his thoughts consumed him, his breaths became shallow as more sobs escaped his mouth. He almost killed the crew the last time he felt like this, like the energy inside him was just begging to burst out. What if it happens again? What if he really kills the people he cares about this time? No, No! He couldnt let that happen. With his shaky knees he got up on his feet, facing the battling Kanan and Vader. Sounds of shooting were ringing in his ears all around him. He could faintly hear Sabine yelling his name and telling him to take cover. None of it mattered right now, he knew what he had to do.

His legs started heading towards Vader, they felt like they weighed a thousand pounds but he kept pushing on. His eyes were increasingly starting to glow in that same bright fashion and the energy inside of him was just begging to be let out, begging to destory everything in his path. Out of the corner of Kanan's eye, as he was trying to block the red blade from slashing him in half, he saw Ezra coming closer and closer to them. The boy seemed to be in a trance, his legs shaking with determination to push forward but he wasn't safe here! Kanan's mind raced against the clock, or Ezra reaching their location. What was the teen doing?? He needed to get away not come closer

"Ezra! Agh" Kanan blocked another attack "Ezra get away!" The Jedi screamed but it never processed in the boy's ears. He just kept pushing on until suddenly, he stood right in front of the two battling men.

"How did they die?" A cold voice made the blades stop but no answer was given. To that, Ezra looked up "I asked, how did my parents die?" This time his voice was being held back, anger painting it over.

"Do you think I killed them?" Vader asked as he stepped closer to the boy. Kanan was about to intervene but he felt his legs give out underneath him. What? Why one earth did that happen? But as he felt the air around him, he felt the cause. Ezra's energy was influencing him now that he was closer, and the energy was not pleasant.

"Ezra please just go! Get away!!" Kanan screamed but it fell on deaf ears, the boy didn't listen.

"Tell me what happened." The teen said in an angered voice as he looked up at the sith in front of him. His eyes were glowing and full of anger.

"Your parents were taken captive after hiding you away. But before the interrogation on my ship could even start, they were found dead in their cells. Mira and Ephraim Bridger had bitten cyanide pills that they hid in their mouths from the very start."

Silence. The boy said nothing as he kept his head low, his bangs obscuring his face, There was his answer, his parents were prepared to die for him from the very start, always ready to take their own lives if a threat came to Ezra's safety. There was no denying it, the boy felt like it was his fault. His fault his parents kept suicide pills in their mouths from the moment he was born, he knew it because he saw it and didnt have the guts to ask what they were, it was his fault his parents' lives were turned upside down, his fault that whoever he met was destined to be doomed, like he had placed a mark of death as soon as he spoke their first word with them. 

But it stops now.

It happened so fast, maybe 10 seconds worth Kanan had guessed before he found himself on the ramp of the ghost screaming the young boy's name as the ship rose into air. How on earh did everything happen so fast, Kanan did not know...

1 second....

After hearing of his parent's fate, Ezra's gaze set upon the sith in front of him. His eyes were glowing, piercing through anything that looked at them.


Vader knew that being this close to the boy was not a good idea at the present moment so he started taking a step back.


Finally, finally. That energy that was begging to be let out of the boy's body burst like a nuclear bomb. It sent waves of chills, pain and fear all around the landing platform and into every living being on it. The physcial objects shook as an unseen force was crushing them, trying to flatten them with the ground. Vader had already made a distance between the boy and himself but his mechanical body was malfunctioning, wearing down.


Kanan felt gravity's pull on his body, almost as if trying to merge the floor with him. His body was burning, his head spinning . It hurt, it hurt so much. It was like he was being burned alive but at the same time freezing in unbearable weather. Flashing images corrupted his mind of many things, his past and present but also things he did not recognise showed up such as various people and places. Every image that passed by his eyes sent stabbing pain all over his muscles. But despite everything, his gaze was set on the boy only a few meters away from him. The teen wore a pained and desperate expression. His teeth bared and clenched as he clearly held back his own screams. His fists were clenched to the point they started drawing blood from the nails digging into the skin.


Tears, Kanan could see tears falling down Ezra's cheeks. They were going down like a river, not stopping for one second, they were endless, sad and miserable. 


The next thing the older Jedi knew was sudden relief washing all over his body, the pain was gradually disappearing and he felt like he was finally pulled out of that hell he was in. But he still felt so exhausted. Kanan's eyes immedietely set on Ezra but his expression wasn't one he was expecting. The Jedi's eyes widened at the sight as his chest clenched from the hurt. Ezra's eyes were sparkling from the tears while his eyes were still emitting that beautiful glow....he was smiling, he was smiling while tears ran down his face. Kanan wanted to run there, to hug him, to hold him and protect him from the world and just as he was about to get up and run to the fragile boy, he saw the teen's mouth open and a single sentance came out..

"Go Kanan, take everyone and leave. Live, please. Live"


As the boy said those words as tears flowed down his cheeks, The Ghost entered the premises of the Landing platform. 


The next thing Kanan and the crew knew was that they felt a gentle energy surround their whole being, down to the last atom and cell in their body. Their vision went black.


When Sabine, Zeb and Kanan opened their eyes once more and their vision cleared, they realised they were securly situated on the ramp of the Ghost. The ship started to pull away, not knowing that Ezra was not on board. The crew shouted for Chopper to stop controlling the ship, to start stand by because they were missing their youngest but it was too late... The ship was slowly getting further and further away, carrying the crew with it and leaving the young teen behind. When Kanan turned around to see his Padawan, to yell something anything but the sight before him drowned any words that were begging to leave his mouth. Ezra warmly smiled at the man, weakly waving him off with his arm. And finally, with clear intent on letting Kanan lip read his mouth, he said

"Thank you"



The whole landing platform, where the boy was previously standing on was devoured by merciless flames. All Kanan could do was stare ahead, his eyes glossy from the build up of sudden tears and his expression horrified as he watched those forsaken flames crackle and consume the platform, and everyone else with it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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