The beginning

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A week passed by quite quickly with Ezra still in isolation on the Ghost. Kanan was there with him at all times while Ahsoka and the rest of the crew came to visit the Master and Padawan quite often. Even though the Ghost crew wasnt allowed near Ezra, they still went to see him and indeed got to know him more. The raven haired boy was getting comfortable around them and Kanan was happy to see that. From the kid that was scared of every movement they did to someone that spoke and laughed with them freely. 


Hera and the rest of the crew were standing on the ramp with Kanan, ready to leave for today.

"I dont understand why Commander Sato still insists we keep him in isolation" Sabine spoke crossing her arms, she didnt like that Ezra was being treated this way.

"I will speak with the Commander again about the matter, his reaction is understandable but Ezra is completely relaxed and is getting more comfortable so there shouldnt be anything to worry about" Hera spoke gently, she really wanted Ezra to be able to walk freely out of the ship.

"I agree, besides I will be training Ezra to further control his abilities so no one will be at risk for any danger"Kanan said with a smile, reassuring everyone that it will all be okay.

"Im sure the kid is also getting bored of being on the ship all the time" Zeb added as Kanan chuckeled slightly "That we are sure of"

"Well see you two tomorrow" The twi'lek spoke, turning around with a wave. "Good  night everyone" The Jedi spoke as he started going back into the Ghost and everyone else headed towards the base.


Kanan entered the room and saw Ezra sitting on the couch around the table, looking at a tablet Sabine gave him to keep him entertained while inside.

"They went back ?" Ezra asked calmly, looking at the taller figure. Kanan smiled as he sat down "Yeah yeah, everything is okay"

"...Is it 100% alright if they come by like that..? I dont want to get them into any trouble with the Commander..." The raven haired boy spoke as Kanan's expression softened even more, Ezra was very empathetic, he always looked out and was getting worried for others even when there was nothing to worry about.

"Dont worry, besides they come because they want to. Even if they got into trouble, it would be worth it to them" Kanan spoke gently as Ezra looked away and back at his tablet "....Still I hope they dont get into any trouble..."

After a few seconds, Kanan noticed something at the corner of his eye. When he looked around the room, he noticed a lot of stuff floating in mid air. 

"..Ezra ?" The Jedi asked turning to the boy, the Padawan did still look quite worried so it was his worry being projected into force using.

The raven haired boy looked up at Kanan but also noticed the stuff floating. He got a bit panicked and when he did the things that were floating violently hit the ceiling. A few things that were made of glass broke but the glass pieces were still floating in the air.

"I-Im sorry !" Ezra immedietly said as Kanan looked at the boy directly in the eyes and softly said "Its okay, calm down deep breaths". The smaller figure did as he was told but the things were still floating. "The rest of the crew wont get into trouble because of you Ezra....its alright dont worry...its okay" Kanan said gently, breathing deeply with Ezra as a demonstration. Suddenly the things started floating lower, towards the ground. And after one deep breath Ezra exhaled, the stuff and the glass pieces dropped violently  on the floor with loud thuds. Ezra tensed up from the loud noises but as soon as they were gone he looked back at Kanan and apologised again. Kanan turned to the boy, thinking for a few moments  and then said "What do you think about us having a first lesson tomorrow ? It wont be anything hard just some meditation practise ?"

Ezra looked at Kanan for a few moments and then smiled softly saying "...S-Sure". The older Jedi nodded and got up from the couch and towards the broken glass on the floor. 

"Let me help you !" Ezra said immedietly and got up from the couch and towards Kanan.

" No No its alright" Kanan said as he rose up his hand in the air, soon the glass pieces started floating to the trash can in the corner of the room. Ezra looked at the whole scene unfold with eyes full of wonder. Kanan chuckeled slightly at the smaller boy's response, even when he could do so much more than simple Jedi things, he was still fascinated by them.

WITH THE GRAND INQUISITOR.....(thank you to the one that suggested this scene !)

In a dark grey room a kneeling figure could be seen in front of a projector. The grand Inqisitor awaited his Master's transmition.

Finally, a hologram appeared standing tall in front of the man kneeling down. It was Darth Vader, he then spoke "Grand Inquisitor, what do you have to report ?"

"My Lord....I have found him." The Grand Inquisitor spoke. There was a small silence untill the deep robotic voice of Vader spoke again " You will capture the boy and bring him to me"

"Project 99 is currently in the hands of the rebellion, but I will make sure he is recaptured and brought to you my Lord" The Grand Inquisitor spoke while looking down, still kneeling on the floor.

"We must not let the boy learn how to control his abilities, in that case he would indeed pose a problem to the Empire, make sure he is brought to me. I will personally take of the rest" Vader spoke

"Yes my Lord" The grand Inquisior answered back as the hologram turned off. His yellow eyes were glowing in the darkness with pure determination and desire to fullfil this task.....

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