Into Battle

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Kanan and Ezra got inside, seeing the ship already starting to take off. For the raven haired boy this was a lot to take in, he was outside for the first time in 8 years and not even one day passed. The situation was a little overwhelming but you could say he liked the experience he was getting. A nice change from the 8 year old nap at the Jedi temple. But he was keeping a distance from everyone except Kanan, but especially Zeb since he didnt know him yet whatsoever.

As the ship got to space, Ezra's eyes widened at the sight. It was so amazing, felt a little weird too. He felt almost as if he was already here...but not physically. He was connected to it despite never being in space before. But why exactly was this so familiar yet..unfamilair to him. 

Suddenly Hera's hand moved which snapped Ezra back to reality. The female Twi'lek turned on a hologram. Everyone focused their attention on the figure except Sabine..she still looked distressed and out of it.

"Commander Sato..."Kanan spoke. Hera quickly asked "Commander, how can we be of assistance?"

"The Yavin base was attacked, I need you to get the imprisioned rebels and lead the squadron out of there" 

"Isnt The Yavin base the one we just started establishing ?" Zeb asked as the Commander looked down "As you can see...that has failed"

"We'll get them out of there Commander"Hera said in a confident voice but then suddenly Ezra felt a force signature approching....a strong one. But not on the Ghost, but where the Commander was at. Then a female figure stepped in front of the commander on the hologram, Ahsoka Tano.

She was about to say something but then her gaze fell right on Ezra, she couldnt see him but she knew he was there. Ezra froze at the sudden connection with the female. They were  staring at eachother, not being able to stop.

"Ahsoka?" Hera called out, turning to where Ahsoka was looking. Kanan noticed Ezra's hypnotic gaze was right at the female Jedi.

"Apprentice....of.." The raven haired boy muttered "...Anakin Skywalker"

Ahsoka seemed to have clearly winced in suprise as Kanan gently grabbed Ezra's shoulder, making the younger boy's focus go back to the male Jedi. Kanan had a concerned and confused could Ezra possibly know that just by seeing Ahsoka.

Ahsoka herself was still taken a back but she managed to turn to Hera and say "I.. will ..send you the location of the prisioners now"

Hera nodded and said "Dont worry, we will be sure to bring them back".

The hologram started turning off as Ahsoka was still looking a bit concerned and gazing back in the direction of Ezra. Just before the hologram turned off Ahsoka said "Kanan, we need to talk later". The older man nodded and the hologram turned off.

"Chopper, coordinates to the Yavin base" Hera spoke quickly as Chopper started muttering and protesting but he did as he was asked and the ship entered hyperspace.

The colour of the blue and white lines almost mirrored Ezra's eye colour, his eyes were full of amazment. He had never entered hyperspace before so he was taken a back a little.

"Ezra are you alright?" Kanan then asked catching the younger boy's attention and he nodded, quite reluctantly. Kanan smiled in response but after a few minutes noticed that Ezra was looking towards Zeb from time to time, almost as if he was checking on him and his behavior. Zeb obviously being oblivious to it.

"Thats Zeb, dont worry he might look tough but he can be a real softie" Kanan said reassuring Ezra

Zeb's reaction was a "Hey stop!" and crossing his arms but he muttered "...Nice to meet ya kid just dont do the weird thing you did before alright? Creeps people out.". That comment caused Ezra to immedietly look at Sabine, reminding him of what happened. She looked completely out of it, staring at the floor with her hands wrapped around herself.

"Um..S-Sabine.." Ezra suddenly spoke, suprising everyone... but the young mandolorian girl didnt look at him. She wasnt mad she was hurt by what she saw, the memories of her past and what she went through. It seemed the kid also saw the same thing she did. Sabine appricated that Ezra didnt speak up about it.

"I'm sorry for before...I shouldnt have reacted the way I did wouldnt have happened"  Ezra said in a sad tone causing Sabine to look up at him. He was blaming himself for making her see that but..he couldnt control it, it wasnt his fault and Sabine knew it. She suddenly smiled at the boy. Ezra was completely taken aback by her response. It wasnt a big smile or anything, it wasnt was just kind. 

"I'm wasnt you fault I-I was the one that approched you suddenly, despite Kanan's warning" Sabine said calmly looking into the boy's eyes. They truely were hypnotising.

"N-No its okay, I'm just not used to new people yet...I'm glad you are okay" Ezra spoke awkwardly, this was the longest conversation he had since he left the temple aside from Kanan. Sabine chuckeled a bit but spoke to the raven haired boy gently "Dont worry, You'll get used to it, I promise."

Ezra appriciated the fact that the girl wasnt mad at him, he truely belived it was his fault though. But he was glad to see Sabine talk and cheer up a bit. Kanan was observing them, being really proud of the fact Ezra was starting to get along with the crew despite the rough start.

Hera smiled at the sight of the two but then turned to Sabine "Are you gonna be okay with the mission...if you want you can stay with me I'm sure Zeb and Kanan ca-"

"No it's okay, I got this!" Sabine said in a cocky voice interrupting Hera and putting her helmet back on. Hera chuckeled, shaking her head "Counting on you".

Suddenly the ship exited hyperspace, in front of them stood Yavin. Strangely there was no blockade, nothing. Just the planet.

"Cocky Imperials, they knew the base wasnt strong enough so they didnt even bother with Star destroyers" Zeb said clearly irritated and angry.

"Is that a bad thing ?" Sabine asked sarcastically as the Lasat answered "No..! But they are obviously looking down on us, karabast". 

"Let's just be glad that there is no blockade wanting to blow us to pieces" Hera commented starting to get closer to the planet. Then suddenly Ezra winced stepping back, letting out a few deep distressed breaths. Kanan came closer to him, alerting the whole crew in the process. He asked if everything was alright but the boy just muttered "...The Hostility I's there"

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