Identity revealed part 3

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Kanan stayed in the common room, reading his Master's files for a while. She wrote in detail about how she saw a boy with raven blue hair and beautiful electric blue eyes. He was the one that came after the chosen one. A living being seperate from everyone else. This child was supposed to be the source of balance and peace. This child was supposed to represent the will of the Force. But the files ended with one odd sentance

"But...Something will change"

And Kanan knew exactly what Depa meant. Ezra was not the source of balance like he was supposed to be. Because of the negative energy in the galaxy, his abilities altered causing him to have the power to bring chaos.

But at his core, Kanan knew that Ezra is still the peaceful being he was supposed to be. Seeing him with the animals, the loth-cats, seeing how he was able to connect with other living beings that he didnt deem as a threat proved that. Despite all of it Kanan knew Ezra was much more than what the galaxy wanted him to be. 

The older Jedi sighed, he didnt know if he could do all of this yet...what if he failed. Ezra could lose control and destroy everything. But Kanan protested back to his thoughts. He knew Ezra would never do that, and he would make sure of it.

Suddenly his com-link went off and Hera's voice was heard from it "Kanan could you come here for a briefing. We got a problem"

"I cant be long but I'm coming" Kanan answered back as he got up and started heading outside the Ghost and to the briefing.


The sleeping boy on the bottom bunk started showing movements...He turned a few times and then opened his eyes. For a few moments his vision was blurry but it cleared out quickly. Ezra looked around frantically, he didnt know where he was.

Shooting up from the bunk, he lost his balance and had to grab onto the ladder leading to the top bunk.

" I..?" 

Ezra was starting to slowly panic but when the cabin doors shifted open, it was revealed that he was indeed still on the Ghost. Relief washed over the boy as he sighed.

"At least I'm in a somewhat familiar place..." Ezra said as he started walking through the hallways of the Ghost looking for Kanan

He soon got lost and reached the common room doors..

"Where is he though....?" The boy said but at that moment the doors opened, revealing the common room. Ezra went inside quietly while looking around, he was alone.

Soon he felt dizzy and decided to sit down around the table, blinking a few times to regain a clear vision. But after he could see again normally...Ezra noticed the file on the table.

"Whats this..?" He said as he reached for it and read the front page. There was no title but it was addressed to "Caleb Dume"

"...Caleb Dume ?" Ezra said...but suddenly his mind drifted away, and image of Kanan's face was shown in front of his eyes. Almost as if he just connected to the name and his mind showed him the answer

" Kanan ?" The raven haired boy said as he started flipping the pages.

His eyes widened more and more with each page he read. These files were about him..and Ezra knew it. To this point he viewed himself as just someone with random troublesome abilities..talents that were problems..but he never expected to be anything like the files said. Who was he ? Ezra was so confused, he didnt know what to think. His parents were protecting him his entire life but never told him clearly why. They always explained to him that "He was a special case", "People want your abilities". And thats what Ezra thought...but he never...expected all of that to be this big. For him to be something like the files were telling him he was.

You could even say..he was starting to become afraid of himself.


Kanan arrived quickly and saw the rest of the crew along with Commander Sato and Ahsoka. Hera looked to be concerned and so was everyone.

"What's going on ?" Kanan asked approching the people

"Kanan Jarrus, you are already aware of The Empire finding out about our base that we were just getting ready to establish. There is no explaination on how they found it but it was pretty clear that they targeted the base and the planet specifically" Commander Sato spoke 

"'re saying we have an Imperial spy among us ?" Kanan suggested but Hera said "Negative, Only the selected rebels and us knew about the operation. Considering the troopers we sent there, it makes no sense that they would forward the information to the Empire cuz if they did they would go down with the base"

"Hera is right..There is no mole." Ahsoka started  "The Empire is closing in on us"

Everyone stayed silent for a moment untill Sabine spoke "How long would it take for them to find the chopper base ?"

"We dont know the tecniques they are using to find us but...I do think it will happen sooner or later" Commander Sato answered back, he clearly looked to be upset

"This base must stay hidden. If we lose it we will be scattered across the  galaxy and be easy targets ! The Empire will take us down in minutes" Zeb added but then Sabine looked to have an idea "Unless...we take bigger precautions"

"Go on Sabine Wren" Sato said as the mandalorian female continued "A fake base. If we all go to a certain planet after each of our operations we will make the Empire think that the planet we use as a fake base is the main one. We will obviously be going back to chopper base but at least with this we will be able to mask it and buy time untill we get more information"

Ahsoka smiled at the girl's words looking over at Commander Sato. He nodded in response saying "I agree with that could work but what planet should we choose..?"

But suddenly Kanan felt a disturbance in the force, his senses became numb..he couldnt hear what everyone else was saying and looked over to Ahsoka, she seemed to be in the same state. The Jedi turned around following the feeling in his chest. When he opened his eyes he saw that...The Ghost was in that direction.

"Ezra !" Kanan yelled as he started running towards the ship, everyone turned around now seeing that the two Jedi were running off

"Kanan ! Ahsoka !" Hera yelled trying to get their attention but they both kept running..


In a matter of minutes the two came at the opened ramp, Kanan gestured Ahsoka to stay there since Ezra might go on the defensive if she's around.

The older Jedi rushed inside, focusing on the source of the disturbance but as he got closer to the common room...the air was getting tighter..his legs were feeling heavier but he kept going.

The doors of the common room opened....inside the figure of boy could be seen with files in his hand while having his back turned to Kanan. Ezra didnt react to Kanan's advances, he was just staring down on the papers.

The air felt even tighter, it was getting hard to breathe

But despite it Kanan called out "Ezra ?"

At that moment the air loosened up, calming down. Now the only thing that was in front of Kanan was a confused scared boy. Ezra turned his head to older man, facing him. His eyes sparkled and his expression showed fear and worry.

The older Jedi looked closer, he saw that the files Ezra was holding were...his Master's files about her vision of a child.

Suddenly Ezra spoke in a soft but trembling voice

" I Kanan ?"

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