Identity revealed part 1

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The crew was heading back to the main rebel base. Sabine and Zeb were in their cabins resting, both of their legs gave out soon after entering the ship. Kanan decided to put the unconscious Ezra inside his cabin so he can keep an eye on him, make sure he was alright. Hera was getting dizzier by the second so Kanan instructed her to rest as well despite her protests, he would take care of Ezra alone. But the Jedi was masking his own weakness, he could barely see, everything seemed to be in a daze.


Kanan was sitting on a chair that faced the lower bunk Ezra was sleeping on. The boy wasnt moving whatsoever, the only thing that was noticable was his slow breathing. He looked the same way when Kanan found him at the temple so the older man was concerned that Ezra might have fallen into another Force vision that might last for a long period of time...just like back in the temple. 

Kanan had his hands over his face as his entire upper body was relaying on his knees to hold him from falling. He felt like he was sick, everything was blurry but would clear out from time to time. His head hurt, a lot. Like someone dropped rocks on him. Kanan could feel his body stiffen up from time to time and he had to move to get rid of the feeling despite the pain.

But even with all this, Kanan was concerned about the sleeping boy across from him. 

"What in the world happened..?" Was the only question Kanan could think about

The stormtroopers on the landing platform all died. But why didnt the crew ?. They did pay a price for it though but still...why are they alive ?


 A voice was heard inside of Kanan's head

"I'm sorry"

The voice was so gentle and sincere...and familiar. Kanan recognised it almost was Ezra. The older man looked towards the younger boy but he was still sleeping as Kanan sighed not knowing what to do...

Time passed untill they reached the rebel base, everything was silent on the ship the entire time. The air was calm yet one knew what happened..or what the future held.

Hera managed to land the ship on the rebel base, she was feeling a bit better to the point she was able to stand without falling down. Zeb and Sabine were still resting inside their cabins. But when Hera landed the ship she saw around 6 figures in front of it. Commander Sato, Ahsoka Tano and 4 other rebel soldiers that seemed to be highly ranked.

Kanan, Hera and Chopper were the only ones able to greet them so they stepped out onto the ramp, now facing the people in front of them.

"Commander Sato, have the freed rebels returned ?" Hera immedietly asked, trying to mask the weakness in her voice.

"They have Captian Syndulla...but right now there are things that need to be addressed first" The Commander started "The boy that you have brought with you, we saw him and what happened on the surveillance cameras of the rebel base. He needs to be put into an isolation cell-" he was cut off by Kanan

"Woah what do you mean by isolation cell ?" Kanan said raising his voice a bit

"The boy is dangerous, Kanan Jarrus." The commander spoke in a serious voice

"All of you are lucky to be alive. Even I dont know how but.." Ahsoka spoke

"Ezra is not being treated like a prisioner" Kanan said standing his ground. Hera noticed immedietly the growing tension between the people in front of her so she quickly cut if off by saying "Commander, I propose an alternative solution"

"Please do present your idea Hera" Ahsoka said gently as Kanan looked towards her, she smiled softly with a nod, assuring Kanan she was againts the idea of putting Ezra in a isolation cell.

"The boy stays on the Ghost, no one is allowed to approch him except Kanan and Ahsoka . The rest of the crew will be sleeping inside the base." Hera said crossing her arms in confidence

Commander Sato stayed silent for a second but then shook his head, he was unsure about the idea.

"But what if the he hurts them-" The commander said as Kanan immeditely shut down his opinion

"He is not going to hurt anyone. He was scared and clearly the situation had a reason for happening. Ezra is not dangerous" Kanan said crossing his arms.

"I agree with Hera's idea Commander" Ahsoka spoke turning to the man. He stopped in his tracks then sighed "....Alright, he will be kept in isolation untill we are sure he is safe to be around others."

Hera nodded saying Thank you as the commander and the rebel soldiers walked away, leaving Ahsoka, Kanan and Hera alone. When the commander and the soldiers were out of sight, Ahsoka spoke in a quiet voice

"I know who Ezra is"

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