Always there

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Ezra and Kanan stayed in the common room for a while upon Ezra's request. He didnt know how exactly to interact with the other rebels aside from the crew and especially Commander Sato and Ahoska Tano. Thankfully Kanan told him he was currently in self isolation and would not be able to leave for some time..


"...So only you and Ahsoka are allowed to see me ?" The smaller boy spoke, not really suprised just curious.

"Yeah...I dont know how long will the isolation last but I'll make sure it isnt too long besides me and Ahsoka will be there with you" Kanan answered gently

But suddenly..Ezra's look turned darker..more depressing. It seemed like he remembered something he didnt want to. The older man looked at him concerned "Ezra..? Is everything alright ?"

The boy was silent for a few moments and then spoke "It's just...I..My parents left me at the Temple..I dont know..what happened to them. Its been 8 years Kanan...I dont even know if they are..alive ?" His voice trembled at the end as his looked turned worried

Kanan noticed the amount of hurt in his voice..he was very concerned and..scared for his parents

"How did your parents know..? about you. Were they Jedi ?" Kanan suddenly asked as Ezra answered "No..I dont think so but from some source, they found out about me and from then everything changed..."

"How old were you ?" The Older Jedi asked curious. "Around 4...Them trying to keep me away from everyone..from everything is the only thing I've ever known" Ezra answered looking away as he continued "My parents were always on edge, like someone was always watching them and threatening me. We always lived without speaking to anyone, pretending we were invisible. I guess that was to not attract attention to them and me."

Kanan listened, the boy seemed to be opening up..Ezra then continued "There was one figure that always tried to hunt us down. The guy we met at the rebel base...The grand Inquisitor"

"Yeah...I heard him call you "Project 99"..?" Kanan asked as he looked at the boy, Ezra winced a bit before answering "That is the codename the Empire gave me. I was an interesting case for them so...they made it an operation to capture me"

"...When you were cornered your parents must have...left you inside the temple. That way no one would be able to harm you" The older Jedi said calmy, analyising the situation. But suddenly Ezra's breathing started becoming uneven, his eyes widened as he spoke "...I remember my m-mum holding me in her dad was right behind us while TIES were chasing us in the distance. There was a field...and a rock rose from it when we came close enough. My mum placed me inside the newly opened path..and the doors of the temple closed soon.....The last thing I saw were my parent's backs and TIES coming closer to them...From then on..I remember being with Master Yoda and Depa Billaba...and thats it...The next thing I knew was you next to me inside the temple"

Kanan kept silent for a few moments...the kid really went through a lot. And he didint even know what happened to his parents, it must have felt horrible.

"..Sometimes.." Ezra spoke "...I blame myself for the life they had to live...If I wasnt born...If they just had a normal child they would have been happ-" 

"It is not your fault" Kanan interrupted him "Your parents did all that for you because they loved you..and they wanted to protect you. I their eyes you are blessing because you are still their son"

Ezra looked up at the man speaking, his eyes started sprakling so he quickly looked away. He wiped the tears from his eyes in seconds as Kanan called out his name in concern. "T-Thanks Kanan...I'm f-fine...sorry for talking so much" Ezra answered back but Kanan gently grabbed his shoulders and turned the boy to him "You dont need to apologise. Whenever you need someone to talk with you I am always here"

Ezra felt so warm and...happy hearing those words. For the first time in a long time he felt like he truely wasnt alone...

In that moment the doors shifted open revealing Ahsoka at the entrance "Hello you two" she spoke gently but she didnt move from her spot, she was just standing there near the entrance. Kanan knew why the female wasnt approaching, Ezra never really met Ahsoka in real life so her suddenly coming closer to him might trigger a defense mechanism. The male Jedi looked over to the boy beside him, Ezra was staring at Ahsoka. He was analyising her with his hypnotic gaze untill he suddenly spoke "...Apprentice of..Skywalker..?"

Ahsoka was taken a back again but she smiled now stepping closer "You are indeed right young one". Kanan glanced at Ezra when Ahsoka came closer but the boy seemed to not object to it, he was calm and just stared at the female with curiosity.

"...You're really pretty" Ezra said gently, not trying to flirt or anything. He was just taken a back by the female's looks.

Ahsoka chuckeled saying "Thank you". Kanan observed the situation carefully but smiled at Ezra's comment. His inner child was still there and the older man was glad to see it.

The female Jedi was now standing next to the couch where  Kanan and Ezra were. And then she spoke in a soft voice "Did Kanan tell you ?". The raven haired boy looked to be confused as he turned to Kanan raising one of his eyebrows "Tell me what ?"

The brown haired man stopped for a second but quickly realised what Ahsoka meant. She asked if he told Ezra about Kanan training him. The man tensed up as he gently turned to the boy and spoke "...Since you have these abilities...we...I thought I could help you learn to control them"

Ezra just sat there in shock, already realising what Kanan was suggesting.

"...If you want...I can train you Ezra" 

The raven haired boy could feel a rush of happiness run through him. He was so glad and excited. He cared about Kanan a lot and the fact he could spend a lot more time with him was really amazing. But then....a thought struck the smaller boy. His happiness disappeared and was replaced by worry instead as he spoke quietly...."What if I hurt you ?"

Kanan was suprised at the answer, the kid clearly cared about him so much to the point he would be worried about that. But the brown haired man gently spoke "You wont but even if you do I will do my best to teach you so that it doesnt happen..I wont give up on you Ezra"

The smaller boy felt sudden embarassment and the happiness he felt before came back as he looked away with a nervous but soft smile...and after a few moments he said


Kanan smiled at the boy's words, he had accepted his offer. The older man then spoke "We can do this...Padawan"

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