Chapter 2 - I've Found Her

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I quietly get off the bed and pad towards my room. Words cannot express how relieved and happy I am that I finally found her. Well more like she found me. Is it really a coincidence that she happened to be dropped outside my building, basically at my feet? Growing up with a brother like Lex, and a mother like Lillian, always has me questioning things that seem to good to be true. Well, if it is, I will dwell on it later when I call Kara to figure out how we can find Lennox's foster dad. Speaking of which...

"Hey, Lena? How are you? Is everything okay?" I hear Kara's chipper voice on the other end of the line.

"Kara, could you fly to my penthouse balcony? It's urgent but not an emergency hence me calling instead of using my watch." I say to her.

"Yes, of course I'll be there in 5." She says and hangs up.

I check in on Lennox to see if she is still sleeping. Thankfully, she hasn't moved since when I laid her down.

I walk to my balcony just in time to see Kara land.

"Hey Kara, thank you for coming so quickly." I say taking her in a hug. I love Kara's hugs. She has a way of making me feel safe and protected in a simple embrace.

"Of course, anything for you." She responds hugging me tightly.

"I'm just going to come out and say it...I've found her, Kara."

"Lennox? Your baby sister?" She asks to confirm.

"Yes. It's a long story I need to tell you so let's head inside, I'll make some coffee."

As I make the coffee, she takes a seat on the couch. I can't help but notice how cute she looks. Her hair manages to stay perfectly curled even when she flies faster than the speed of sound. I love that we have finally found our rhythm after her revealing Supergirl to me. I get why she didn't tell me. I think I would have done the same if I was in her shoes.

I take a seat next to her, handing her the cup.

"Okay I am on the edge of my seat here." She says taking a sip.

"I decided to take an early day today so I could go back on Monday a little more focused. This week was exhausting. Anyways, I was walking out of L-Corp when a van had pulled up and shoved someone out, roughly, onto the concrete. I went over and tried to help them when I realized it was her. She looks different from when I last saw her, but I could still tell it was her. I was too nervous to ask her right then, so I brought her back here." Kara looks at me with wide eyes.

"She's here? Where?" She asks putting her cup down.

"In the guest room, sleeping. That's part of why I called you. Kara, she has been severely abused. More than what Lillian did to her in CADMUS. She had a nasty cut on her forehead and she also said her side was hurting. When she took her hoodie off, I was shocked at how little and skinny she was. She is littered with white scars and bruises and the ridges of her ribs and spine are so visible. They must've starved her. She said her foster dad was the one to throw her out because he didn't 'need' her anymore. Whatever that means. Kara...she's only 12." I reply trying my best not to break down again.

Kara's reaction to this information is my exact one when I saw Lennox myself. I can see her bright blue eyes shining with fresh tears waiting to fall.

"Oh my god that's awful Lena. Poor baby. Does she need to be checked out by Alex at the DEO?" She asked concerned. I love that she's prioritizing Lennox before jumping to find who did this to her.

"I think I took care of most of her severe injuries which was the cut and an electrical burn on her left side."

Now Kara has a bit of rage in her eyes. I can tell she's trying to hide how hard she is seething.

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