Chapter 11 - Therapy, Puppies, & Game Night

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Lennox POV

It's been a week since I told moms that they were...well, my moms. Mom has fully moved in and Eliza went back to Midvale. It's been nice having both moms home from work still.

I haven't been verbal for most of the week except for answering their simple questions.

I just haven't had the energy to carry a conversation. I know that they both understand, but I can tell it's making them sad. I miss talking to them, I'm just afraid once I start talking, the emotional dam I've built will break and I'm scared for that to happen.

I haven't thought a lot about what Joe did to me at the warehouse. I blacked out and woke up when he was finishing. That thought alone sends shivers down my spine.

I'm grateful mom and mama have been patient. I just wish I knew how to explain to them what I went through without being an emotional wreck and not making sense. If I don't make sense, it's less valid what I went though. At least that's what I learned from Lillian and Joe. Whenever I would get emotional and would stutter or hesitate, they would cut me off and didn't even care.

I know this would probably be different with my moms, but again, it's starting the conversation that I'm nervous about.

"Lennox? Baby you okay? Your heart is beating really fast, love. What's going on?" Mom asks me while she sits next to me on the couch.

"Huh? Oh sorry, it's nothing." I say brushing it off, not wanting to break down.

"Len, we know you're not wanting to talk about anything right now, which is totally okay and we will be here when you are, but whatever is taking up your thoughts 24/7 is eating you alive, baby. We can see how hard you are fighting to push it down. That's not healthy for your mental state and that ends up effecting your physical state. Maybe telling us what happened would help with your nightmares?" Mama suggests, running her hand up and down my back.

I can feel tears threatening to fall.

"Baby, we are here for you. We won't judge. You haven't slept in 3 days, baby. You can tell us how much or how little you want. We hate watching it consume you, honey. It's okay to let it out." Mama says kissing my temple and this causes my tears to fall.

She immediately puts me on her lap and holds me. Mom starts wiping my tears and kisses my forehead.

"H-he hurt me, mama." Is all I manage to croak out. This makes mama's tears fall as well as mom's.

After a couple of minutes of all of us crying, I muster up some courage to start telling them. They're right. It's consuming my mind and making my nightmares unbearable. I haven't slept in 3 days. I haven't been sleeping with Moms because I didn't want to wake them, but mom's superhearing always managed to let them know I wasn't sleeping. They have come in almost every night, trying to comfort me. I was too scared to even talk to them but their touch and loving affirmations always helped. They deserve to know what happened.

"After Lillian was finished injecting me with the serum, she left the room. I had started remembering my kidnapping more and more and realized Joe was the one to take me. His voice creeped in my mind when I began to remember. Next thing I know, he's standing in front of me in the room." I pause and wipe my cheeks. I take a deep breath and feel mom's hand on my back, under my shirt. At first, this makes me jump but I immediately lean into her.

"He said, 'Lillian never instructed what I could and couldn't do. We're gonna have some fun, my little Lennox.' I knew exactly what that meant. When I was living with him, he took advantage of me a few times. I was bracing myself, but this time was much worse than the last times." I take another shaky breath and this time mama is kissing my head, letting her tears fall, almost as if she's bracing to hear what's coming.

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