Chapter 14 - Kryptonite, the Killer

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1 Month Later

Kara POV

In this past month, our lives have been...normal I guess you could say? Lena has been swamped with work and I have been going into office more often, leaving Lennox at home by herself and Elfie.

We enrolled Lennox in an online GED program. We all believe she isn't ready for public school quite yet. She's been adjusting to everything else well. She comes grocery shopping with us and even went to the mall with Alex yesterday.

Alex, J'onn and everyone at the DEO has still been searching for Lillian. They've followed up on some leads as to her whereabouts but have come up dry each time. Lena has been helping when she's not at L-Corp or with Lennox.

This leads me to where I am now. Alex and I are in the conference room discussing plans for when we catch Lillian. I've been trying to get ahold of Lena all morning but she hasn't answered. She must be flooded with work today. I send a quick text to Lennox telling her I love her and she responds with a kissy face with Elfie licking her cheek. New lockscreen.

"So Brainy got a lead? What is it?" I ask her.

"It's nothing too promising but yeah, he tracked down one of Maggie's old CI's who said they saw a woman, matching Lillian's description, walking into one of Lex's old warehouses on the eastern outskirts of the city." She responds.

"Well it's more than what we've had to go on so far. I mean that woman is untouchable and that's what's scary. Alex, I am terrified for Lennox's life. I mean what if Lillian gets to her again and I can't stop her? I didn't see her coming the last time, what's going to make this time different?" I sigh.

"Hey, hey. Kara. Don't think like that. You can't think like that. You can protect like no other. This is what makes you the best person to be her mom. And Lena. You two together are what's untouchable. A Luthor and a Super. It also helps that you would both lay down your lives for that little girl whom I love like my own. We will do everything in our power to protect her, I promise you. Now uncrease your forehead crinkle, we've got work to do." She says smiling and bringing me into her arms.

Alex and Brainy load into the DEO van with the backup agents making their way to the warehouse. J'onn and I are in the air searching for anything on the perimeter. Alex instructed me to not charge in first but to wait on her call.

Alex and Brainy finally arrive and J'onn and I are waiting for her signal.

"Okay, Kara. Blow the door open and tell me what you see in there. We'll be waiting on your command." She tells me through comms.

"Got it." I say flying towards the door, to blow it off its hinges.

Once I'm inside, all I see is darkness. Each wall is lined with lead. It seems empty but I keep trudging down the corridor. I make it to the end of it and look to my left and can see a light under the door.

"Alex, it's dark in here. It doesn't seem like there's any activity. I see a light coming from underneath a door. Do you want me to check it out?" I ask.

"Yes, but please be careful Kara." She replies.

"I will."

The closer I get, the louder 3 heartbeats pound in my ears. My hand is on the door handle before I realize Lena's heartbeat is on the other side. I hurriedly walk inside to see Lillian working on a table.

"Ah, Kara. Lovely for you to join us. For someone who has super speed, you sure took long enough." She laughs.

"Where is Lena, Lillian?" I spit at her.

"She's right behind you, dear."

I turn around and see Lena strung up with two ropes on each of her wrists. Her head is hung low as she's sitting down.

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